Jan 30, 2005 10:25
Today is O.K. I had to take my brother to his friends birthday party and then go to store and get my friend a birthday balloon!
Jan 29, 2005 11:41
I am having a blast!!!!! I am still over Teresa's house and it is FUN!!!!!We are on the internet and we watched t.v like till 12 and we wactched Room Raiders on MTV and VH1 Top 20 Coundown! It was a blast!!!! I went to Wal-Mart and it was BORING. G2g ttyl xoxo
Jan 28, 2005 22:58
Today I went to the dance after
school. It wasn't that good. Than I went to my friend Teresa's house
and we worked on our Science Fair project. That was fun!!!! Than we
came on the internet and talked to friends of ours. Than we called my
friend and talked for 23min and 54 sec. HE IS HOTT!!!! But
his brother is not! lol! G2g ttyl xoxoxo