Escape out to aery after someone gets claim? How the fuck are you supposed to get ToD like that >.> Unless he just means most of the people then yeah I guess that would be a good thing to do.
I personally wouldnt, but not like it matters i have 256Ram POS PC im not winning a claim unless its down to reactiontime. but meh tired of geting screwed over after doin all the work lol
Yeah, I'm runnin off a 256POS too, but luckily I don't have voke/bind/charm/grope to claim with so I can sit around doing nothing since bringing /war to shit gets me weird tells. @_@
And wtf, I told you to go get SMN to 70, why are you posting when you could be getting exp!?!?
Comments 3
And uh, if you wanna start botting.. Uh...
/thumbsup @_@
Hurry up and get SMN to 70 nub.
And wtf, I told you to go get SMN to 70, why are you posting when you could be getting exp!?!?
Fail. At. Life. ._.
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