First job: unless you count babysitting for the church, then McFarlands.... blegh
First screen name: hulagirl2743
First self purchased CD: Don't remember.
First funeral: My grandma
First piercing/tattoo: ears, I don't remember when though.
First credit card: never
First true love: Not sure.
First enemy: Maggy. bitch.
Last big car ride: Hmm... I haven't went on a roadtrip in quite some time.
Last library book checked out: Some beauty book
Last movie seen: 40 days & 40 nights
Last beverage drank: dr. pepper
Last food consumed: cheeseburger
Last phone call: a couple of hours ago
Last CD played: Return Of Saturn
Last annoyance: telephone ringing
Last soda drank: dr.pepper
Last ice cream eaten: bunny tracks!! yesss.
Last time scolded: a couple of weekends ago... hahah
Last website visited: livejournal
I am: bored
I want: to do something fun
I have: pink fingernails
I wish: things were simple
I hate: when things aren't simple. hah
Do You:
Keep a Journal: only this one
Like to Cook: yeah, it's fun when i know what i'm doing.
Have a secret crush you haven't told to anyone: nope
Have a crush: yes
Want to get married: yeah
Get motion sickness: only on busrides to florida
Think you're a health freak: nope, not in the least.
Like thunderstorms: yeah, except for when i'm trying to sleep.
Hair color: dark dark brown
Eye color: green
Number: 12
Color: green, salmon, brown, yellow... i like them all.
Day: Friday
Month: October
Song(s): I have a lot.
Season: fall or summer
Drink: who knows.
Cuddle or Make Out: both
Chocolate Milk or Hot Chocolate: chocolate milk
Milk, Dark, or White Chocolate: milk
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
In the last 24 Hrs. have you:
Cried: no
Helped someone: maybe?
Bought Something: I bought a drink last night... haha
Gotten sick: nope
Gone to the movies: nope
Said "I Love You" : yes, but meant it? no. lol
Written a real letter: no
Talked to an Ex: sort of
Written in a journal: thats what i'm doing right now.
Had a serious talk: not really
Missed someone: yeah
Hugged someone: I hugged everyone
Fought with your parents: nope
Fought with a friend: nope
What color are the walls? off-white
What color is the carpet? a beige-tannish blend
Do you have Pictures Hanging up? yeah
If so, are they in frames, or taped up? theres both. some framed, some taped.
Who are these pictures of? friends
What size bed do you have? queen
Do you have a tv? yes
Do have a stereo or radio/cd player? yes
Movies? nope
DVDs? nope
What is on your Blankets and Pillows? pillows and sheets are plain blue, and my comforter has a leafy pattern to it.
How many windows are in your room? 2
Would it be easy for someone to spy on you? unfortunately, yes.
Do you have a door? yes
Does your door lock? unforunately, my parents removed it when I was a small child. I was quite anti-social.
Do you have a closet? sure do
What do you keep in your closet? clothes
What do you keep under your bed? random shit that I don't have a place for
Do you share your room with anyone? nope
Are their any secrect hiding spots in your room? I used to hide in my closet, but now i'm too big haha
Where do you keep your Thongs/Bras, Boxers/underwear? Top drawer, the universal spot.
Are you in your room often? yeah, always.
Are other people in your room alot, with or without you? not often, no.
Besides pictures, what else is hanging up on the walls? some posters
How many mirrors are in your room? 1
How many closets are in your room? 1
How many dressers are in your room? 1
Is this computer, or any other computer in your room? yes
The pictures in your room, mostly guys, or mostly girls? pretty balanced actually
Is their anything perverted, sexy, or nasty in your room? nope.