So this afternoon I was taking a nap because I was terrible bored when I got a telephone call from Florez waking me up telling me I had to create plans with Poolon tonight. So after a 5 minute conversation on the phone with her, I think call Poolon and tell her that we are coming over tonight. She asks her mom, and her mother agrees. We arrive at
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soccerinbrasil: SAY I'M A BIRD mmmkuchen: hahahah soccerinbrasil: SAY IT mmmkuchen: okay, you're a bird! soccerinbrasil: k, now say your a bird mmmkuchen: no, i'm not a bird. soccerinbrasil: SAY IT!!!! mmmkuchen: no, i'm not gonna say i'm a bird! soccerinbrasil: mallory say it! mmmkuchen: fine! I'm a bird if you are!
Haven't been doin a lot lately, just been kind of hanging out at the homestead. Except for tonight. Ended up hanging out with muh girl Alaina. On our little excursion we went to her aunt's house to feed their cats (they are out of town) and then headed to Barnes & Nobles. I haven't been there since my days of Nate/Lindsey/Josh times. It was fun, we
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Dad and I went to the mall tonight so I could buy my awesome "who dat" shirt. And after we leave the mall and head towards Kohl's this conversation takes place:
Dad- "I don't like going shopping with you
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I didn't do anything last night or today and plans for tonight are looking doubtful. I want to get out of my house and do something because I'm bored out of my mind. Everyone seems like they have plans and are busy except for meeee
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Today was a pretty relaxing day. I spent a majority of it walking around downtown Topeka taking black and white photos of various builings/objects. Photography is so entertaining for me, it's one of my simple pleasures in life
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