Yikes! Well, if it makes you feel any better, a 12 YEAR old cat can survive being folded up in a sofa-bed, and jumped on. I just happen to know this because I came home one day (years ago, when I still had a cat) and proceeded to fold up my hida-bed, which I hadn't bothered to do when I woke up in the morning. Little did I know that my cat was asleep under the blankets. So, I folded it up, and then noticed that it was sitting a little high. I figured it must be stuck. either that, or the blankets were 'lumpy,' and hadn't folded up very well. So I started to jump on it to compact it down. Then I heard a muffled 'meow' coming from inside it. I said "OH MY GOD!" Opened it up as fast as I could, and the cat jumped out, bolted across the room, and hid under a table, for fear that the mean old troll (me) might try to fold her up in that torture machine again.
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