Gameboy Color
both working and in great condition
$15 each
$20 for both
Gameboy Games
Left to right:
top: KLAX(kind of like tetris), Pokemon Blue, Super Mario Bros.
bottom: Donkey Kong, Rugrats, Pokemon Red
All Gameboy ITEMS awaiting payment only left is the Purple Game boy Color
Sony Walkman
Used But in Wonderful Condition
Memorx Walkman
Used Slightly
Great Condition
Original N64
Of course Used
Still in great shape, wonderful working condition
All Chords still there
2 N64 Controls Red/Grey
$5 Each
or Both for $8
N64 Games ALl Work/Great Condition
Left to right:
Top: Winnie the Pooh, Glover
1st Row: Yoshi Story, Banjo Kazoie
2nd Row: Kirby, Pokemon Snap
Bottom: Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing
$5 each or $20 for the whole lot
N64 Games
Great Condition
Top: Donkey Kong Island
Bottom: Super Mario World?
$5 each or $8 for both
N64 Rumble Pack
ALL N64 ITEMS(system, games,remotes,rumble pack) FOR $40 or make an offer!!