Name: Ifigeneia
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Status (singles, taken, ect): Taken
Location: Athens, Greece
What bugs you?: annoying people with bad attitudes
Five words that describe you: kind, honest, sweet, lovable, fashionable
Favorite part about yourself (Physically and Personality): my stomach and my attitude
Thoughts on
Suicide: I think it is stupid. I also don't think it is a way "out". When people do this it is just hurting everyone in their family and those who love them. I do not have any respect for people that commit suicide.
Drugs: I have done drugs before. But I don't anymore. A lot of people do them to be "cool" or whatever, but i think that is stupid. If you don't want to do it... then DON'T! They make you look really stupid sometimes also. I don't like hanging out with people when they are on some drugs because they start to act like retards... i don't have anything againsn't people who do drugs as long as they don't try and get me involved
Teen Pregnancies: Ah, i don't know what to say about this one. I think it is sad when teenagers get pregnant. But, it is their fault. If they think they are old enough to have sex... they better be responcible enough to have a child.
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