lake compounce was so kickass. i got tanned really nice, burnt a little. spent most of the time in the water parks. went on the ferris wheel for the first time. we ended up getting stuck, we had to go on it for a school trip. haha hillary was like crying and amber's over at the bottom like pointing and laughing. we got stuck @ basically the
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i'm going to lake compounce (amusement park) tomorrow in bristol for science class all day until 4. i really hate rides, but you know, i'm kinda forced to go. at least it's to get away from school. my science teacher is a major biotch, but hey, at least we get out of the normal science class. it's going to be like 95 out tomorrow, how will i
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Blink 182 was so kickass last night. We got fairly good seats, but hey, at least we could see them. We were say about 20 rows away, ehh, it was alright. I went with Greg&Jenn which was awesome.. haha although it got really crazy. I saw Stephy there with her sister, so that was good. Haha Stephanie: "OMG, holy shit, what the fuck?" She kept
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here’s the info. stayed out late last night with my friends. saw harry potter b/c everyone else wanted to. it was aiight i guess. i decided to stay home today to rest because i was really tired. what a bad idea that was. my sister’s friend alix came over. they’re 8, so you know how annoyinglittle children are. <3 there's a stupid pic behind
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gotta bring my grades up, wont be on here much anymore for a while. this sucks because i love this and i'll miss you all but will be back sometime next month or so. i <3 you all and appologize for no comments because i'm gonna be busy bringing my grades up! all i need to do is get my history grade up.. the rest are A's and B's. until next time,
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+ No fucking school Monday, oh yeah. + Went to Zack’s Friday, hung out.. + Went to Memorial Day party on Saturday. + Went to movies to see Mean Girls (Hilarious) + Rented Miracle (Hockey movie, good.), got fatter, ate bad
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how would _aftercurfew be for a username? it's a local band here and i think it's kinda a cute name lol. ehh i donno, give me some feedback. tell me the truth, if you think it's gay, don't be afraid to say so!! lmao. <3 loves yall.
just wondering if you guys could help me think of a new username? something creative since you all are very creative yourselves. <3 i want something 2 words and it doesn't matter what it means, just something good like your usernames. i'll take all the ideas i can get and thanks everyone. <3