The most incredible thing happened. No, 'incredible' is the wrong word... Excruciating. Much better.
I hate every lousy fiber of my body for doing this, but it collapsed at work. Neato experience, I'll tell ya. I was the only person with an open register, the only person scheduled to help close the store. And still. I humiliated myself in a sweaty tangle on the ground behind the registers. The bestest co-workers ever then helped me to the bathroom where I performed the rituals of the very ill and crampy.
Jeez. Of all the weekends to implode. *medicates*
A few little thoughts.
* I wish there more well-written Angelus fics.
* I suspect that I've overpacked. Or possibly, my suitcase is too small.
* I have an inexplicable crush on John Kerry. I'm really, seriously entertained by the Convention coverage going on; the Democratic good cheer makes me squee. And Kerry/Obama would be teh hot.
* I want to marry someone in Vegas this weekend. Anyone interested in making a lifetime committment for a few days?