nope i dont hate you i have absolutly nothing against you. ive always thought you and your friends didnt like me but i guess i was just being dumb. this is kinda the same thing i said to laura but ive alwya been so jealous of yous laurah and laurahs friendship.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you and i totally miss you to death. i think you are a goof ball and i love it. it was fun seeing you at shows and it being a total day booster. i remember back in the beginnign of 9th grade when you and cory sometimes sat in " the cove" with all of us n u sat like.. away from us kinda i thought you were weird. heh. man was i right. i mean.... wrong. hahah <33333
yayyyy apply! im not quitting because im actually beginning to like it. the staff is all awesome people. not to mention the discount on clothes ha been coming in handy soo much lately. haha.<3333
AMILIA. you are georgous. bottom are a total sweet heart and im so glad your comign to shaker this year. its gogint o be so much fun introducing you to everyone and telling you all he gossip. :) loveeee.
jess you are so nice. we met in the weirdest ay possible but im so glad we did. you are alyas there to give me great advice and i appreciate it more than you know. im tryign so hard to get my ass to boston to see you but its tough with work and shit. find out a good show to go to int he future and ill push my dad to lettign me go down. <3
iiim just kidding i love you and i hope to death that we have a million classes together liek we did last year. it was so fun. i love how dumb you are. it brightens my day <3
Comments 54
sure ill add you back
iiim just kidding i love you and i hope to death that we have a million classes together liek we did last year. it was so fun. i love how dumb you are. it brightens my day <3
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