Name:Emily Martha Faye Gilliam
Location:Pound, Va
List your favorite bands:My Chemical Romance, HIM, Fall Out Boy, and so much more!
Favorite quote:It seems we have reached an impact- Patrick Star
What is your opinion on abortion:I believe that abortion is wrong to some extent. There are cases of rape in which I think they should still keep the baby, but it is the woman's decision.
What do you think about our government:I believe our government is doing a fair job, not to bad, not to good. I think that Bush should put a little more effort into certain things but, I think Kerry could do no better.
What is something you feel strongly about:I feel strongly about music. I sometimes stay up all night wondering what the world would be like and like even if a song sucks ass it is still someone's feelings expressed in song.
What do you think about self-harm: I have tried it and I will never do it again. I believe there are at least 100 different ways to deal with stress and I hate to see some of my friends take that path. In a way I think people who do it are kind of selfish because they don't realize how much they are hurting the people around them.
What is your opinion on suicide:My opinion on suicide is about the same as my self-harm one. I admit I have been so depressed that I have thought about it from time to time. I believe that people who have committed to suicide just get caught up in they moment and they don't think, they just act.
Do you find yourself pretty:I actually believe that I am in a bubbly, crazy sort of way!
if you were told you had 5 days to live, what would you do within those 5 days & why:I would visit all of my friends and family and just talk to them like nothing was going on.
What do you think about the mod?I thing Kari is cool and down-to-earth!
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eyesofgreen_How did you find out about this community:Um, oh, I have only been a member of this community for a long time!
Anything else?:your mom
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