Am I Dorky?

Jan 09, 2005 20:31

Name: Mallory
Age: 19
Birthday: September 25, 1985
Star sign: Libra (scale)
Sexuality: heterosexual...but I find chicks hot

Bands: A Perfect Circle, Clutch, Earshot
Movie: Forest Gump
Book:  To Kill A Mockingbird, The Culture of Fear
Curse word: Fuck, it can be used as any part of a sentance.  Ex. Fuck the fucking fuckers.
Color: PINK!
Game: Mario Bros....I like old school stuff
Celebrity:  I used to have a major jones for Seth Green.  Um...but other than that I like Tom Hanks, Jay and Silent Bob, Drew Barymore, Uma Thurman, Lucy Lu, and Adam Sandler
Song:  Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
Sport:  hockey, any sport where people kicking the shit out of each other is part of the game is awesome by me!

Suicide/Self Abuse:  I can honestly say that I had thoughts of a suicidal nature once.  It was right after my dad died.  But then I realized that it was stupid.  I never cut myself and I think that doing so it pretty dumb.  There are so many better things to do.  I think that suicide is not the answer to things.  I thought it was at the time...then realized I was stupid.  Now I love my life.  It's great-a-mundo!
Abortion:  Pro-choice.  I believe that although I would never have an abortion, I can understand why someone else would.  I mean there is alot of life out there to live.  Plus, the thought of some people that had been raped to have to put up with a child that they had nver done anything concentually to bring into this world...they should have to right to get rid of that.
Drugs:  People who I'm friends with do it.  I don't.  I've tried them...not a fan.  Did nothing for me!
Gay marriage:  For.  I believe that anyone who is in love should be able to get married not only to express that if they so wish, but also to recieve benifits that their partner would be give them.
Love:  I love love.  I used to think it was ridiculous.  "What a stupid idea!" I said.  Then I met this guy named Phil.  Phil changed my outlook on life.  He made me feel love.  I have never gone back and I love him more each day.  We play videogames together.  It's way fun!
The war on terrorism:  Stupid.  Iraq was not our threat!  Bush is stupid to have started it.   I have family that is overseas for this rediculous effort to finish what daddy started.
Organized religion:  You can have it if you like.  I however am an Agnostic.  I'm not an Atheist, although Phil is.  I believe anything is possible.  Although I am more Buddist than anything, I find myself as a religious person, just not of the Christian nature.  I think that organized religion is great for some.  It makes them feel great, which is GREAT!  However, when people push their religion that pisses me off!  Everyone has the right to their own religion, which is why we live in the U.S. of A.
Music:  I LOVE music.  Music is my life!  In highschool I was the biggest band geek.  Music is an expression of you.  Everyone should have their own right.  However, that doesn't mean they have to share their expression with us all.  I.E.  if you're driving by my house "bumping" to Eminem...that's a no-no

Do you smoke/drink/do drugs? nope...none of the above
Do you write? If so, show some of your work: yep....poetry:  here are 2 of them
Ode to Bovine: A two part epic poem about cows   "PartI: Beef It's What's for Dinner"   The cows go MOO When the farmer goes SHOO These cows get no attention, But I am sure to mention, The cows are black and white too. Watch where you step, or...."EWWW!!!!" All the cows love grass, And none of them shove or pass, They hate to be milked, it's a pain in the butt, But heavens no they don't want to be cut.... ...You know die, and become your lunch, So next time think, okay brunch, Or maybe dinner or a nice bite, Goodbye my cows, in a dinner delight.   "Part II: The Night of the Return of the Zombie Cows"   The cows came back one night on a summers day. They might have wanted a bite or two, or to come out and play. This we may never know, but I have been told, That the cows were tired of decomposing and growing very old. Some may never have a clue, But I think I do... The cows were tired of dying a death so extremely bad, So they came to wreak havoc and make you very mad. They were tortured for, oh, so long, I think they deserve a break. I would know, because I would have to take, An awfully, very badly, bad death from these zombie cows.  
"Life's Descrimination"
Jenny's got a  girlfriend Why is that so wrong? When will discrimination end? It's gone on for way to long.   She is fat and ugly, He is short and stout. Why do you not feel glee? Do you want to shout?   Some people think it's not normal, But what does normal mean? They're just being scornful, What's inside is not seen.   What's wrong with being different? I dont want to be like you. Did you understand what is ment? You are different too.   Why must we criticize? What the world has made. People always telling lies, Life is made to degrade.
Are you artistic? Show your work:  I am...but don't have any on my computer...I mostly paint murals
How many communities have you been accepted to? 2
How many communities have you been rejected to? 0
Promote us to a person/community, show the link:
In your opinion, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? My mommy!  She's so pretty, I love her
In your opinion, who is the most beautiful man in the world? Ty Pennington
Name 3 things that make you dorky:
  1. I sleep on a Ninja Turtles bedspread
  2. I have a SpongeBob SquarePants mural painted on my wall
  3. I hated  when people called each other douche at my school so much that I started calling people "uterus cleaners"...actually it took off...

What would you do if i were in your bed dressed up like a cupcake?  You'd make me feel like eating a cupcake, I may even start nibbling on your chocolatey I want a cupcake.

Why should you be accepted?  Because I'm pretty cool...I would bring fun stuff...hopefully to the group.  :)

Pictures:  I comp.  is being retarded and I can't get the pics to work...however, when I do, I will post some up!
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