The Survey
Name: Laura
Nick Names: Akito, mainly.
Age: 17
Do you want to be voted as [boy/girl/either]? Doesn't matter.
What are some of your likes, hobbies, and interests? I like reading, medicine, anatomy, pathology, graphics, video games, you know. Boring, typical stuff like that.
Dislikes and/or Pet Peeves? Mainly idiots. I dislike explaining things to them, dealing with their lack of understanding, and just how annoying they get.
What are your strengths? I'm smart, calm, and tend to follow logic over reason. I can make very informed decisions, and I can also mess with people pretty badly if I want to. I'm also told I can give good advice since I like to be blunt and honest rather than sugar-coat. Despite this, I will beat around the bush on some issues, mainly concerning myself rather than others.
Now, what are your weaknesses? Like I mentioned earlier, logic comes before emotion, which leads people to see me as cold, unemotional, apathetic, etc., when I really just put reason before intuition. People also get...frustrated, I suppose, with me. I tend to be rather stright-forward with what I say, and people don't like the truth; however, I can also be quite ambiguous, and what I say tends to be either interpreted incorrectly or not at all, which also seems to bother others. I suppose I'm a bit of an oxymoron that way; but then again, people aren't 'black and white'.
Describe yourself in 3 words. As my friends put it (I'm just horrible at judging myself), "Snarky, smart, and fatherly" (despite me being female, I notice)
What type of video games do you enjoy playing? RPGs, but I prefer the ones with more puzzle aspects rather than just "beat 'em up".
Who is your favorite .hack// character from the games or the animes? Well, in .hack//Legend of Twilight, I was rather fond of Ouka. I don't know why; I suppose she just amused me. What I've seen from .hack//G.U / .hack//ROOTS, Ovan's my favorite. I've noticed I tend to like older, male characters, but I also like his personality.
What class (wave master, twin blade, etc.) would you be in the .hack// Universe? That's a tough one. I like aspects of the Macabre Dancer, Steam Gunner, and Shadow Warlock classes. I'd prefer to be a class that's more specialized in long-range or spells, since I don't think I'd be good at melee.
Dreams? I want to be a coroner or pathologist. I'd be satisfied with just that, but ideally, I want to work with the government and handle any possible outbreaks of pathogens used in biological warfare.
Ideal place to live? I've grown up by the beach, so I always feel most at home if I can see the ocean or are only a few minutes away. I'd like an apartment, but a nice, roomy one. I don't want to live in a house, as I don't plan on having a large family, so an apartment should do nicely.
Favorite food? I like Indian food, Greek food, and Thai food. I also like curry, udon, and eel.
Favorite color? I like purples and blues, especially mixed with grays.
If you saw a stray kitten or puppy on the street, what would you do? A stray? I don't have room for another pet. I'd be tempted, but I'd probably just have to leave it. Someone else may find it. If not, then that's too bad. But I don't have time to play charity to every stranded animal I see.
Picture this: you're walking through the mall, and a total stranger starts walking and talking next to you. How would you react? Ignore them, but if they insist on talking to me, I'll simply ask them what they want.
Your dream fight comes around, how would you battle? Cautiously. I'd analyze my opponent for possible weaknesses and take advantage of those, and hopefully everything will go the way I want it to.
Anything Else we, the raters, should know? It'd be preferable to rate me as someone from ROOTS/G.U, since part of the purpose of this rating is to solve a debate amongst my associates.
Do you have any ideas on how we could make this survey better? I probably could think of some.
who told you or where did you hear about this community?
Cyndaquil Finally, post a clear picture or describe yourself:
None of my most recent pictures are exactly clear, so I'll describe myself. I have short, almost auburn hair that has a slight wave to it, and my eyes are a brownish-red. My skin is a bit tan thanks to some of my heritage, but I spend so much time inside it's a bit pale compared to some of the other people in my family. I also wear glasses. According to some of my friends, I look a bit like Tabby, but I don't know how accurate this is.