Aug 20, 2007 23:07

The Survey

Nick Names: Chibi, Yuki, Yun-Yun.
Age: 18
Do you want to be voted as [boy/girl/either]? Either. It leaves me more choices, eh?

What are some of your likes, hobbies, and interests? Let's see... Drawing, playing video games, baking, puppies, mangas, sweets, chocolate, internet, reading/drawing teh yaoi. =P

Dislikes and/or Pet Peeves? cats, bees/wasps/hornets/you get the point (*shudders*), a lot of people in school, loud noisy places, being in a crowded place, egotistical people who need to get kicked off their high horses.

What are your strengths? my willingness to be patient with someone, to be open-minded, being protective of friends, can put up a good front, have been told to be pretty mature for my age.

Now, what are your weaknesses? I don't make friends very easily. Perhaps I also come off as a bit biased when I treat my friends rather sweetly, but with a stranger or someone who's intruding what I call, "my circle", I keep my distance from them.

Describe yourself in 3 words. quiet, blank, daydreamer.

What type of video games do you enjoy playing? Hm. I'm not that picky, really. I play text-adventure games like Phoenix Wright and Hotel Dusk. I play RPG's like Final fantasy, Fire emblem, etc. I'll even occasionally play a shooting-game like Halo, if I'm in the mood. Or I'm kicking someone's butt in Super Smash Bros. I'm willing to play anything. especially with a friend~. *grin*

Who is your favorite .hack// character from the games or the animes? Hm.. From the anime, I think I kinda liked Sora. Tsukasa was ok, but then he kinda got on my nerves at some point, so I stopped watching the first anime. But I DID watch .Hack// G.U's OVA.

Endrance won me over. Even in the game. Heh heh heh. Shino and Pi were ok by me, too.

What class (wave master, twin blade, etc.) would you be in the .hack// Universe? most likely a Macabre Dancer.

Dreams? ...Not too sure, really. I just want to see my loved ones being successful and happy before I do. I like to think they have more worth than myself. I have a fascination with Science, Forensic science/crimes, and autopsies, though! ah~. <3 *comes from a family of doctors and medical examiners*

Ideal place to live? Hm.. Just anywhere where I can make a living for myself. and still keep in touch with good friends.

Favorite food? I suppose a dish with rice and any sort of meat~! That's also if I don't spoil myself with dessert before meal time, which I am guilty of doing from time to time. heh heh. ;P

Favorite color? Green, purples, blue..

If you saw a stray kitten or puppy on the street, what would you do? I'd take it with me home, of course. It would stay with me, too. I would hate you and kick you if you dared harmed the poor creature. \=

Picture this: you're walking through the mall, and a total stranger starts walking and talking next to you. How would you react? Unless they're giving me a comment on how they like something of mine, then I might reply and make polite conversation with them and then carry on my way. But if they have the nerve to walk next to me and speak to me so casually... I would raise my brow at them and look for the nearest security and say that I'm being harassed.

Your dream fight comes around, how would you battle? VERY carefully and with a optimistic attitude. I would not want to lose because of some careless mistake. Not if it took me so long to get to this point. D=

Anything Else we, the raters, should know? I'm... a bi-chick who loves sugar and my personality can do a hasty 180 when under its influence? *blink*

Do you have any ideas on how we could make this survey better? Hm.. Nonme, that In know of, really. I'm just concerned at all the other members that don't have their stamps... I wish thre was more ways I could help, other than just do my job by voting. O.o

who told you or where did you hear about this community?
I did a stamp-community search, myself.

Finally, post a clear picture or describe yourself:

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