To continue my suit, the next part was recently finished, admittedly not uploaded until recently, well here it is.
May as well document some of the construction of this:-
1. Started off with a basic sand shoe with a canvas top, cost me all of £4! Way to go Wynsors.
2. Then we added 3 foam toes and shaped and bulked out the general form of them.
3. Once the foam was glued to the shoe base we covered the foot with masking tape, marked out where seams should go, then cut it up, traced around these pieces and added a seam allowance of about 1.5cm (better too much than too little!)
4.Once the fur "glove" was finished, it was slipped on to the foot and glued in place.
5. I should mention here, that i would not recommend doing it in this order. For the gorgeous silicone claws which i got a great friend (Psythu) to mould for me, i had to cut into the fur, which was easier done when not glued down, so i had to pull it up, mark it, cut it and then stitch it back up around the claw, a lot of work but it looked awesome! As another note the claws are also buried in the foam to make them have a strong fit.
6. Finally, a carpet tile (40p) was cut to the shape of the foot and glued to its base.