I bought myself a new digital camera today. nothing special. but my old one was only 2 megapixels and this ones now 4. So with me being bored and it being super duper nice out today, i took the camera out to the backyard and took a few pictures. i thought i'd share them with you because well, i'm excited!! hahaha
so check it!
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Apr 14, 2005 09:34
I'm hungover.
Apr 01, 2005 09:45
i was trying to think of something clever to freak everyone out, but because i just woke and i'm half asleep, no dice.
Mar 30, 2005 00:40
Sooo remember the story i shared when mr. beaudoin backed his pt cruiser into my ditch?? yes well, here are some visuals for your enjoyment! it was super dark, so bare with me, this is the best i could make the pictures!! hehehe!
This is for you Mr. Beaudoin!! )
Mar 29, 2005 09:48
ah! hahah! my eye keeps twitching.. like somethings going to crawl out of it sometime soon! it's funny to think about, but if it actually happened, i don't know what i'd do! lol