First job: soccer referee
First school: First United Methodist Nursery School
First funeral: my aunt
First pet: Cookie the poodle
First piercing/tattoo: eyebrow piercing at 18
First credit card: ha just got it a couple months ago
First kiss: I was 15 :(
First love: not sure
First big trip: Vancouver, sometime in highschool
First concert: I remember going to see Peter,Paul and Mary with my parents :)
First musician you remember hearing in your house: bruce springstein, bob dylan
Last car ride: yesterday when we ran out of gas
Last kiss: today
Last library book checked out: the ones that were due in august, and my lazy ass hasnt returned them yet
Last beverage drank: generic white soda
Last food consumed: a cheese quesadilla w/ green peppers and onions
Last phone call: dont remember, my mom?
Last time brushed teeth: at about 1:45pm today
Last CD played: a cd with opera music on it that someone made me
Last person talked to: peter
Last soda drank: generic white soda
Last ice cream eaten: cookie dough, couple days ago
Last time scolded: not in a looong time.
Last jewlery worn: my jade necklace from new zealand
Full name: emmy elizabeth berning
Astrological sign: aquarius
Pets: 2 guinea pigs - Sgt. Pepper and The Dude
First thing you thought of when you woke up this morning: I can miss class today...
What were you like as a child: wierd, overly compulsive, spoiled
What did you want to be when you grew up: a singer HA
What do you want to be now: preferably something with theatre tech and/or art (painting, photography)
How many cars have you had: ZERO :)
How many boy/girl friends have you had: 8ish i think
How many people have you kissed: 20ish?
How family oriented are you: Not too much. I prefer to be alone. But they're good people, and I don't mind their company. But I also wouldnt mind moving all they way across the country either :)
Last thing you thought about before going to sleep last night: i dont remember
Saw a movie: saw 2, like a week ago
Told someone you loved him or her: peters, all the time
Hugged: peters, today
Were sick: ha, i just got over my month long bronchitis a couple days ago
Smiled: earlier today
Bought something: today on ebay
Danced: dont remember
Had a nightmare: 2 nights ago
Did something illegal: I bought booze for my underage boyfriend yesterday.
Been in love: i suppose
Drank: yes
Smoked: yes
Kissed the same sex: as they say
Play an instrument: yep
Believe there is life on other planets: sure
Read the newspaper: if i ever get one in my possesion, yes
Have any gay or lesbian or bi friends: i think so
Believe in miracles: somewhat...i prefer to call it karma
Believe in astrology: sure
Collect anything: troll dolls, beatles stuff, particularly magazines that they are on the cover of (yes I have a LOT)
Have a best friend or best friends: eh, i just have friends
Wish on stars: no
Like your handwriting: sometimes
Have any bad habits: i pick at my ears when i'm bored or nervous. and I pick my nose get the stuck boogers off my nose piercings :) oh and i guess i fart too much, or so i've been told
Been toilet papering: kind of. once. not really i guess.
Been to a foreign country: Canada, Mexico, England
Been in a car accident: only one, this summer
Something that I'm deathly afraid of: spiders, guns, the dark
Do you believe in love: sure
Do you believe in love at first sight: dunno
Do you believe in forgiveness: rarely
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: i'm a poor college noodles?
What's something you wish you could understand better: amish people
First best friend: i had a bunch when i was little
First car: not applicable
First date: ew a movie, and his mom came with.
First break-up: nik and i'm glad
First screen name: eightiesqueen7...and i still have it
First self purchased album: Magical Mystery Tour, 7th grade i think
What is in your cd player: I dont have a cd player...but I'm listening to Ween
What color socks are you wearing: cotton candy pink
What Color of underwear are you wearing: white with valentine's day phrases all over them
What's under your bed?: a blow-up innertube sled
What time did you wake up today: 1:20pm
Where do you want to go: far away from wisconsin.
What is your career going to be: how would I know? hopefully I'll be creating/making things. and it will be a job that won't involve a desk or dress code. That's all I know.
Where are you going to live: not sure, shit happens, but on my list is Vancouver, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Chicago, and California.
How many kids are you going to have: 2 or 3
What kind of car(s): something effecient and environmentally friendly.
Current mood: indifferent, hungry
Current music: 'baby you're a rich man' the beatles
Current taste: nothing
Current hair: dirty in a ponytail mess
Current clothes: cargo corduroy pants in dark olive green, and a long sleeved white 'got books?' shirt i have to wear for work.
Current annoyance(s): that apparently my roomate doesnt know how to correctly turn off the water after a shower because i can hear water heavily dripping yet again. that I don't get paid enough, and I'm annoyed at myself for being in debt.
Current longing: to be able to stop time whenever i want so i can take naps whenever i want.
Current desktop: a cool george harrison thing
Current hate: people who ignore me.
I may seem: like I have a stick up my butt
But I'm really: insistent, unrelenting
Sometimes I feel: like I'm invisible
In the morning I: am sleeping
If I could be doing anything right now I would: eating the cashew tofu dish from The King and I
Money is: in my empty carlo rossi jug. But it's not much :)
One thing I wish I had is: a good vegan cheese
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: inproportionate hips
If I had one wish it would be: that people would only hurt others in defense. including animals
If an angel flew into my window at night I would: be pissed that my camera batteries aren't charged. People wouldnt believe me and would think I was on drugs.
If a demon crashed into my window I would: why wouldnt he fly in like the angel?
If I could see one person right now it would be: janis joplin
Something I want but I don't really need are: new piercings
Something I need but I don't really want is: excersise
I live for: to experience
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
a penis for a day to see what its like
straight A's
better posture
thicker hair
Name Four Scents You Love:
nag champa
Name Four People You Know Best:
and yeah i guess i dont know people that well...
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
this is too long and i'm going to bed soon
Name Four Things You Did Today:
sold a fetal pig at work
scrubbed off the mess my roomate left on the stove
ate nachos
Name Four Things You Bought Recently:
Name Four People You Would Like To Spend More Time With:
i havent met them yet, i hope
Name Four Bands/Groups/Singers Most People Don't Know You Like:
Ace of Base, Josh Groban, John Mellencamp, Garth Brooks HAAAA
Name Four Places You Want To Visit Before You Die (Be fairly specific):
Kruger National Park
Australia/New Zealand - Scuba diving
Germany, not sure where