Sister#3 turned 21 today. I went back home after work to see her and they had the party food out - sausage rolls, pork pies, egg mayonnaise sandwiches, fairy cakes, jelly, that sort of thing. My sisters went through a period of wanting grown up food for their birthday tea, but quickly reverted to party food. La Belle Mere had done little buns with candles in the shape of letters that spelt out HAPPY BIRTHDAY on one plate and STEPHANNIE on the other. I'm reliably informed they did anyway; when I got there it said STEP ENT. "Mum was trying to put serpent, but she can't spell," Steph said. "Calling me a serpent on my own birthday."
They were doing Green Frog down in one competitions. Green Frogs, in case you haven't had the fortune to come across them, are green, vaguely frog shaped things about the size of my fist made almost entirely of sugar and food colouring, which are sold at the local bakery in the village. They have a meringue base and the frog innards are bright pink shiny sugar mousse stuff which is like CRACK. It takes me about an hour to eat one and then a few hours to recover from the sugar coma. My sister had eaten three already. According to the step-step-dad the trick to downing it in one is to just wait for it to dissolve. Sister#3 cannot go that long without talking, and there was pink goo and meringue dust everywhere. By the time I left the leftover fairy cakes spelt PENIS TITS. (This was after foster sister had gone to bed, btw, in case any social workers are watching). I have not laughed so much in ages. Puerile fairy cakes and disgusting eating habits are what we are all about.
I had an atheist upbringing, which I think I have mentioned a few times, but we always celebrated Christmas. I love Christmas. It's part of my culture, even if it's not part of my (lack of) religion. And I don't think the whole goodwill thing hurts either. Also the food. And Christmas cards, which are really just an excuse to send people a little note that says hi and all that goodwill stuff. And I would love to send a Christmas card (or any other type of card, if Christmas isn't your thing but you would still like the card) to any of you who wants one. Who want one? I'm tired, grammar isn't working. ANYWAY. Proceed to the poll mostly stolen from
seiyaharris. I'm happy to send to anywhere. Except, like, the moon. Sorry Lance.
Poll Christmas/Seasonal/Holiday cards