*i wish i was accepted*

Aug 07, 2004 20:13

[ + The Basics +]
+ Name: Brittney
+ Nicknames: Bert, Berti, Bert Legurt, Berta Lota, Bertney...ect.
+ Age: 14
+ Sex:female
+ Birthday:March 29
+ Zodiac Sign:aries
+ Location:NY
+ Religion [ if applicable ]: Christian
+ Single or dating?single
+ Righty or Lefty?righty
+ 5 bands: Something Corporate, The Used, Taking Back Sunday, Dave Matthews Band, and The Rocket Summer
+ 4 books:Inside Out, Stuck In Neutral, Wasted, Rainbow Boys, Rainbow High
+ 3 movies:Edward Scissorhands, Fight Club, The Breakfast Club
+ 2 things nobody would ever guess about you: i like challenges, and im easily intimidated
+ 1 joke: its sort of iick but i cant think of anything else..  what do michael jackson and acne have in common? they both wait till your twelve or thirteen to come on your face..
+ What makes you you ? music.. without it im nothing.
+ How did you hear about _EASTCOASTLOVE? through another community
[+ What is your opinion on +]
+ Hot dogs...hmm. they're kinda nasty sometimes..
+ Bush... i believe bush hasnt done anything good for our country since hes been president.. and that Fairenheight 911 ((however you spell it)) definitely showed what people should see about him.. i dont like him at ALL!
+ Abortion... i think that no woman should have abortion UNLESS she was sexually assaulted or something.. because in that situation i think lookin at that child.. even though it is your own, would remind you of your assault everytime you looked at it.. but i think that if you dont want the baby than give it up for adoption.. there are so many couples who cant have their own children.. so adoption is their only way of having their own family..
+ Florida Gators [ if they suck, you suck... ] im not sure.
+ Homosexuality... i think that its definitely fine.. i wish that gay marriages were legal because i feel bad for the people who are gay, because they deserve the same as heterosexual couples..
[+ Favorites +]
+ Movie: hmm Fight CLub, or Sixteen Candles? im not sure. i have too many
+ Actor/Actress: Julia Styles, Johnny Depp, Cuba Gooding Jr., Sean Penn.. and more
+ Song lyrics: "loving wings" by Dave Matthews Band
+ CD: at this momeny, taking back sunday.
+ Number:29
+ Toilet paper brand: Chraman
+ Comic Strip:not sure..
+ Random scent: Pink purfume
+ Holiday: Christmas, or New Years
+ Cereal: CinamonToast Crunch
[+ Have you ever...+]
+ Milked a cow? no
+ Shoplifted [ if yes, what? ] nope.
+ Ridden a horse? yes
+ Run around naked? yes
+ Been to a concert? YES!
+ Started small "unexplainable" fires? yeahh haha
[+ More Questions +]
+ What is your view on God? umm i believe in god, but i dont think that in order to be "loyal" to him or whatever you HAVE to go to church every weekend.. i believe that even if you never go to church or anything you can still believe in god, and look to him? im sort of confusing on that subject.
+ If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? to be smarter, thinner, and to be able to fly!
+ Okay, let's say there is this Chinese couple. They have like 578497593 kids, and they only have sheep to raise for food. Let's also say there is this pack of endangered wolves that keep eating the sheep. Would you...
A.] Kill the wolves and let the family live...OR
B.] Leave the wolves alone and let the family starve...OR
C.] Other [ explain ]
Find a way to keep the wolves away from the sheep but make sure the wolves had food and such.. so everyone would be happy
+ What would be your *perfect* job? to be in the Music industry, wether it was being like a singer or in a band or something.. or being a producer and whatnot.
+ If you could go back and change one thing in your life, what would it be, and why? keep in touch with friends, and dont be shy..  because i lost a couple of my closest friends when they moved and i never got their numbers or anything.. my one friend wrote be a letter and told me to write back but never gave the address... i miss them.
+ If you could have the one thing you wanted most in the world, but in return, you couldn't tell anyone about it, would you take it? im not sure.. it depended on what i really wanted most.. and im not sure what that is.
[+ Fill in the blank +]
+ You are a... music addicted student
+ I plan on growing up to be... psychologist or something interesting like that
+ If the world was to end tomorrow, I would... do everything i ever wanted to or everything i was too scared to do without regrets
+ This... is interesting
+ I hope you... find me interesting and acceptable

[+ pictures +]
Please post a minimum of four, clear pictures where we can see your face. Make one of them about 200X200 for the accepted members page!

 im on the right


[+ Any additional comments/opinions/rants+] no i dont think so.

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