I wish I was Supergirl

Feb 20, 2005 00:58

+ the basics +
[ + The Basics +]
+ Name: Sandra
+ Nicknames: Sandi
+ Age: 14 and 1/2
+ Sex: Female
+ Birthday August 10, 1990
+ Zodiac Sign: Leo
+ Location: Leicester, Massachusetts
+ Religion [ if applicable ]:Catholic
+ Single or dating? Single
+ Righty or Lefty?Righty
+ 5 bands: Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, SR-71, Destiny's Child, Maroon 5
+ 4 books: A Child Called it, A Lost boy( sequel to A child Called It), Anthem, A Wrinkle in Time
+ 3 movies:Grease, Enough and Blue Collar Comedy Tour the movie
+ 2 things nobody would ever guess about you: I'm double jointed in my fingers and only 2 of my friends' favorite shows are simspns and family guy, just like me
+ 1 joke: hmmm, from blue collar comedy tour, ron white. He gets drunk in a bar and causes a fight, he gets thrown out of a bar, the police come and ask if he has been drinking and he says yes, they try and place him under arrest and he argues they should aresst the bar owner because he was drunK in the BAR, until the bar threw him into the publiC. It probably sounds stupid when I explain it, but its easier when you are actually aying it rather than typing it.
+ What makes you you ? hmm, i don't usually give a damn what people say, I'm pretty stubborn so I don't change my mind alot and I stick to my gut feeling.
+ How did you hear about _EASTCOASTLOVE? Well I was lookign through communities and someone had posted an ad for this communtiy.
[+ What is your opinion on +]
+ Hot dogs...they're ok
+ Bush...I don't support him, he doesn't think about people who don't have much money.
+ Abortion...It's a personal decision and I think the only opinion that matters is the perosn who would be having the operation, I personaly wouldn't get one.
+ Florida Gators [ if they suck, you suck... ]Honestly I have no clue what you are talking about, sports? Or the actual animal?
+ Homosexuality...whatever makes yuo happy, you can't control love.
[+ Favorites +]
+ Movie: grease
+ Actor/Actress: Cameron Diez
+ Song lyrics: Flat on the floor by Nickelback
+ CD: Three doors down, Away From the Sun
+ Number:5
+ Toilet paper brand:Charmin, mainly because of the commercials
+ Comic Strip:Hagrid the Horrible
+ Random scent: Roses
+ Holiday: Christmas
+ Cereal: cocoa puffs
[+ Have you ever...+]
+ Milked a cow? nope
+ Shoplifted [ if yes, what? ] yea, just stupid suff like makeup and jewelery, i don't plan on doing it again...
+ Ridden a horse? yup
+ Run around naked?nope, well maybe whne I was a little kid
+ Been to a concert? Yea, Nickelback, Three Doors Down, Puddle of Mudd, and Thornley.
+ Started small "unexplainable" fires? haha I almost lit a tree on fire over my friend's house on accident, the grass was on fire, it was hilarious, I tried stomping it out with bare feet...that was in 6th grade I think.
[+ More Questions +]
+ What is your view on God?I think he exists, and he made most of the unexplainable and other things science supposedly made.
+ If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? hmm, some more money for my family, make varsity next tryouts, and hmmm, the digital camera I've wanted
+ Okay, let's say there is this Chinese couple. They have like 578497593 kids, and they only have sheep to raise for food. Let's also say there is this pack of endangered wolves that keep eating the sheep. Would you...
A.] Kill the wolves and let the family live...OR A
B.] Leave the wolves alone and let the family starve...OR
C.] Other [ explain ]
+ What would be your *perfect* job? I think it would be a social worker
+ If you could go back and change one thing in your life, what would it be, and why? going on vacation with one of my friedns without clarifying it with my mom
+ If you could have the one thing you wanted most in the world, but in return, you couldn't tell anyone about it, would you take it? I'm not sure, maybe
[+ Fill in the blank +]
+ You are a... girl
+ I plan on growing up to be...mom
+ If the world was to end tomorrow, I would... go skydiving
+ This...pink metallic pen rocks my socks
+ I hope you...liike me :)
[+ pictures +]
Please post a minimum of four, clear pictures where we can see your face. Make one of them about 200X200 for the accepted members page!

I don't have a digital camera so I have to use the ones from a regualr camera and scan them, they may not be great...

I'm furthest right...

This one is clear, not the best, but clear.

This one is sorta blurry because I got it from my friend and her scanner sucks...

I got this from my friend too, i think its funny looking...

I only have pictures that are ugly....

That's all I have, sorry..
[+ Any additional comments/opinions/rants+]

Hmmm, ranting? sounds good haha... My friends tell me I've been sonding like a bitch lately because I've been really pissed off at someone and I haven't been keeping the anger to myself.

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