"I hate how fans pretend to be part of a sports team. They scream, "Yay! We scored!" Who is "we?" Last I checked, watching a game happening two thousand miles away does not qualify someone as a member of the Patriots. Now take something we're actually a part of - our country. All of a sudden it's a "they." "They banned gay marriage"... "They legalized medicinal marijuana." How are Super Bowl fans not a part of their country but are part of a sports team who they've never met or been remotely associated with?
America doesn't want us to feel like we're a part of the country. People in control want us to feel free but politically helpless. Ironically, our lives are controlled by the government. To support their agenda, the powers that be have created hypes like the Super Bowl to shroud us from what's important. It's a big slight-of-hand magic trick the government performs to distract us. In one hand they're flashing the fun and exciting Super Bowl excitement and superb commercial experience while their left hand is deciding how to further increase their power over us.
The big "fuck you" is, "C'mon Thilo, you think too much. Stop being an uptight conspiracy theorist and learn to have a little fun." That's exactly what they want us to do - shun anyone who tries to care about the big picture. "Just have fun and live your life!" This isn't conspiracy talk. It's common sense. Power will find a way to corrupt. Over time, the system has discovered a loophole in Democracy. Instead of controlling our populus by depriving us of a voice, they give us a voice, shroud it with static, then sell it back to us.
They pressure us to go out and party, chase girls, have fun, worship god (or Satan), watch funny commercials, and talk about it all with our friends. A buffet of priorities is layed out in front of us and we're given complete freedom of what we choose to care about. However, they manipulate our decision by covering the bullshit with sugar and adding puke food coloring to the things that matter.
This article is a great example. Nobody finds this stuff interesting. If you do, you're insane. I can't believe you've even made it this far. You must be really bored. I know that if I were reading this on a website, I'd have shooken my head and closed the window a long time ago. It's because I've been trained since birth that these concepts are bogus theories invented by nutcases.
Do you realize that ten times more people watched the Super Bowl than the State of the Union Address? Does that not scream out, "We're fucked?" More people care about a bunch of smelly men throwing around a ball than their own government. We're so fuckin' doomed.
I'll flat out admit I'm a victim. I'm totally ruined. I don't know jack shit about politics and I've never given half a thought about learning how our government works. I would much rather go to a bar and flirt with a drunk stripper than sit at home studying a political science text book. It's definitely too late for me. I don't even know why I'm preaching this shit, I'm the biggest hypocrite I can think of.
There's really nothing we can do. Rebel? Hell no. Whenever a rebellious attitude forms, they package it up and redistribute it back to us. We think we're being rebels but don't realize that the people we are rebelling against have bought out the rebellion. Take the super bowl for example. I'm rebelling against it, and I think I'm thinking alternatively. But actually, there are millions of people out there that hate the Super Bowl just like me. And to care about people hating the Super Bowl is just as bad as caring about the Super Bowl. In that respect, the anti-Super Bowl rebellion is owned by the same people who created the Super Bowl. For every hype, there is an anti-hype. Both are distractions from the big picture and both are owned by those in control.
I actually like the Super Bowl. Today the roads were clear, the stores were vacant, the laundramats were empty, and since sports fans make up most of the people I can't stand, I could go pretty much anywhere without getting pissed off. Anyway, I'm off to find some after-parties and get wasted to help forget about all this nonsense I just said. Peace out, bean sprout."