today was fun meghan lacorte & maria drama? whatevv. made it worthwhile. stayed after with maria, kristen, chelsea, brian, stephanie. sal played peacemaker & he was bad at it. ahahaa. yeahhhhhh.
i thought my dad called today but he didn't it was his father's wife &, i called back because it was on the caller ID and she's a really nice lady. my dad's going to call? yeah, she's going to tell him to.
today was retarded because kristen stood me up? yeah, it's fucking gay. ♥ later. i just went through an emotional phonecall. kind of beat.
stayed after with kristen, chelsea, dennis, kyle, brian, ally, and beth. i think thats it? the wendy's guy told us that Wendy's is no Camp Snoopy. it was funny.
dance off in the lobby & dancing in the parking lot. hah. yeah. later kidsz. ♥