New Hampshire was groovy beans. I was cut off from civilization for a whole week and I did not die! You should all be proud.
I mostly just sat on the beach and read. I read a total of seven books. Yes, you read correctly, seven. And yes, I am literate. Just because I am of a different race does not mean I am any different. Hardy har har. XD Besides the reading and sitting I rode the jet skii mucho times.Jeffrey's chum Eddie came up and stayed with us Wednesday-Friday. It was a grand ol' time listening to them snicker and giggle and prance about together whilst I was trying to concentrate on a book or do something else useful, unlike them. Haha. On Friday my two cousins, Kristin and Chris, and my Auntie Mary-Lou came up to visit. We had a good old time fishing and riding the jet skii and talking and we went downtown and stuff. I bought some cookies to bring back for my best mates.We usually leave on Saturday, but we decided to just pack up and leave Friday and get home early. I rather fancied that idea.
Got home, was unpacked and ready to see my chummy chums around 8. Drove over to Patthew's and watched him play mortal combat and chatted with my other two lovies, Tay Tay and Tawyuh the cripple/handicap. It was a yummy scrumboes time. Then Pat and I decided to go out and do something. We ended up at MovieWorks and took about 344643586575454 centuries to choose a film to rent. We chose Zoolander, which neither of us had seen before. I rather enjoyed the film. It was a good chuckle. I got home around 12 and passed out. :D
Today was a pretty fun-filled, but tiring day. I woke up rather early, around nine am, and attempted to straighten up my room and showered and then the brother and I took the pupsters for a rather long stroll to the Danversport to check our hours and pick up my check. I was sad when I discovered I was to be working tonight 6-close, but got over it... :]. When we arrived home I had a quick sandwich and headed out to go pick up Pattykins. We went to the bank so he could get some dinero out, and then we went back to my house to get sunscreen, my license, and just hang around until 2ish. At 2 we went to that Scooperbowl thing. Which was kinda boring. We ended up judging little fattie kids have pudding eating contests. And we did end up getting ice-cream, but it wasn't at the Scooperbowl, it was at Goodie's downtown. I got mint chocolate chip (OBVS.!) in a cone. It was delish. And we (Pat, Lisa and I) also tried the new fries. They were more delish than I had expected, and I was pleased. Work was the same as always and shouldn't be discussed, as there is no point. Haha. I heard about another job I may try to get at Beverly hospital in the fall. It's a ton of hours, but a load of money, as I am sick of my current job (I've been employed there for over three years... yeah...). I may take it up and rid myself of the sham of a job I have now.
I am looking forward to my JAM PACKED week of events. If things go as planned it will be a lovely week before I leave for the Dominican. :D
Monday: Third of July family fiesta and fireworks. Horrah!
Tuesday: Fourth of July! Horrah! Probably celebrating with a parade or some other sort of fiesta somewhere with fammy fam.
Wednesday: Hopefully spent with my bestest chums, as I love them dearly.
Thursday:: Providence Mall extravaganza with me mates Rachy, Nicole, Kristin, and Nessa. :]
Friday:: Hopefully spent with me favorite peeps once again, as I have limited time left to spend with them this summer.
Saturday: Hopefully Six Flags with some mates if all goes as planned and mummy lets me drive there with my chums in the car.
What a Yummy-Scrumbolicious Week!