Okay, so I knew telling Dawn that going to Italy as a vacation wouldn't work. It didn't really stop me from trying, but as soon as I saw that look of 'give me a freaking break' I broke down and told her the truth. (Or what I'd like to call a diluted version of the truth
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Comments 51
"Wasn't expecting you to be home so early. The newly made slayers mutiny or something?" I asked, smirking slightly, dropping down on the couch.
I'll work up to asking her about staying with Xander. Dropping it on her the second she gets home was far from a good plan if I wanted anywhere close to a positive reaction.
"We should really give them some shots of Valium. That might help the days go by faster. I wasn't half as hyper as those girls are when I was their age."
"So, other than super hyper teenage girls driving you nuts, how are you?"
"Did I hear you get off the phone with someone?"
"Not really much point in worrying about that now, it's neary a year away, you know?"
I really wish she'd stay. I wish I could just tell her no to this whole thing. I don't want to spend time without my little sister.
"Relax, okay? You're still my sister, zero plans in actively cutting you out of the big events." I added, trying to convince her.
Oh, yeah, during and after I died time number two comes to mind.
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