iam no longer stuck in a hole. my heart is clear and confident once more. not to say that it has become all soft warm and all that mushy crap. no. but i am once again content...even happy with life. so ive decided to take out my nipple rings. yes. do they make me sexy? maybe. it doesnt matter.
arrghhh! i hate school sometimes. it has cool ppl though. yeah. so i kinda flirted with a grrl today. (kinda means eye contact like a mofo) theres so many pretty grrls. I like that. I want a grrlfriend? I dont want a commitment but I do! im trying to be a tease but ive been thinking of becoming a slut again. but naww maybe later.
the party last night was badass. theres was live music, drank, and ppl. lots of ppl went that was badass. alan's band citizen was some good punk. bryan benitez band was cool. but we rocked the party! fo sho'!! haha. caught up with some cool cool ppl.
i have to get grrls of my head. im going grrl crazy. i need to practice. how am i supposed to be the best bassist in the world if i cant find time to practice? punk ass grrls