May 17, 2005 23:41
Reason for your LJ username:
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1. A movie:
2. A book:
3. A musical artist, song, or album:
4. An LJ user not on my friends list:
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Comments 13
Reason for your LJ username: its kinda an ironic thing cause i love coffee and i'm addicted to it.
Do you enjoy reading my LJ: yes.
Why or why not?: because i like to know what going on in your life and what your thinking (even if it is just a tiny glimps)
Interesting fact about you: i'm going to art school and i didnt really graduate from high school.
Weird fact about you: i suffer from random periods of insomnia.
Quote: "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" -Mahatma Gandhi
Will you post this in your LJ: sure.
Ask me a question: how have you been?
Recommend me:
1. A movie: Akira or Ghost in the Shell.
2. A book: Lullaby by Chuck Palanuk or The Wanting Seed by Anthony Burgees.
3. A musical artist, song, or album: "G-sides" -Gorillaz or "Blue Screen Life" -Pinback
4. An LJ user not on my friends list: um... i dont know off the top of my head... read the stuff in my friends page and see whats up i guess.
Reason for your LJ username: Crotchitch was already taken so i added the "st"
Do you enjoy reading my LJ: yes very much so.
Why or why not?: cuz you're a deep person.
Interesting fact about you: i go to the beach every monday morning before class.
Weird fact about you: my eyes change colors.
Quote: "if you believe in love at first never stop looking"-CLOSER
Will you post this in your LJ: yeah sure why not.
Ask me a question: where've you been?!
Recommend me:
1. A movie: Star Wars Episode 2
2. A book: Oranges are not the only fruit
3. A musical artist, song, or album: Armor for sleep
4. An LJ user not on my friends list: cant really think of one...
Reason for your LJ username: awesome pixies song
Do you enjoy reading my LJ: yes i do
Why or why not?: always interesting or fun like this.
Interesting fact about you: i can play piano with my feet
Weird fact about you: i can walk on my hands
Quote: "what did you learn about mexico? EAT NACHOS."
Will you post this in your LJ: yes i will
Ask me a question: whats your favorite flavor of snapple? do you even like snapple?
Recommend me:
1. A movie: I <3 Huckabees ( you'll either love it or hate it)
2. A book: Choke
3. A musical artist, song, or album: Viva Voce
4. An LJ user not on my friends list: loverskiss (my gf)
Reason for your LJ username: took it from a trb shirt.
Do you enjoy reading my LJ: yes i do.
Why or why not?: it interests me.
Interesting fact about you: uhhhh... i rollerblade... does anyone even rollerblade anymore??
Weird fact about you: i dont hang out with anyone my age. and i havent since i moved here.
Quote: i know a ghost can walk through the walls.
Will you post this in your LJ: probly not
Ask me a question:
Recommend me:
1. A movie: requiem for a dream, drop dead fred.
2. A book: alices adventures in wonderland, and through the looking glass.
3. A musical artist, song, or album: murder by death
4. An LJ user not on my friends list: mehh..
i don't know why i put personal..
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