spent christmas eve with mitchell's family spent christmas day with his but mostly mine.
i got a new compaq widescreen laptop and i have to say my dad outdid himself with it it's vuuurrrrrrryyy prettty =] too bad something is wrong with our cable line or i'd be on it right now
good christmas this year =] i think the magic came back just a little
my t.v. and internet have both been cut off thanks to the stupid apartment complex we just got our phone back and now there's something wrong with the cable lines grrrrrr
I want to work in a restaurant where I can confidently serve people food that I know has been properly handled. I don't want to serve food that I myself wouldn't eat. Or food that has been made under conditions like..those.
christmas is right around the corner, and if i don't get you a present i'm terribly sorry, money is ridiculously tight and i've yet to fix my stupid ass jeep. meh
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