"Be obscence, be-be obscence..!"

Oct 25, 2005 02:04

1. I love Ian.
2. The best thing about Ian is that he understands everything.
3. The thing that he did to catch my eye was... the fact that we had almost everything in common, and how sweet his is.
4. My favorite moment with Ian was when even though we weren't together yet, he was still all clingy and cuddly and insited on doing stuff for me.
5. Jacob and I are so _______ together. {great}
6. We always go crazy when we talk about each other's "accents".
7. My family ______ Ian. {actually likes}
8. I really worry about Ian lately when he feels bad about "something".
9. Ever loved anyone more? Nope.
10. Scale of one to ten. How happy are you? 998747852837583247687238768207687243243432432432432432432432432565765
11. Had sex yet? You keep thinkin' that. :D
12. I feel very comfortable when i ______ Ian. {are playful}
13. Honestly think it's true love? I know its true love.
14. Have a song? Hmm.. never thought of that.
15. Getting Married? :P
16. How many kids will you have? I'm starting to hate kids.
17. Whats his full name? Hehe cute name, Ian Thomas McCarthy!
18. Friends or Boyfriend? I'm not picking that on here, either way someone will feel bad.
19. Perfect place you'd like to go together? Beach, I *heart* the beach.
20. Whats your favorite thing to do with him? Sit on the phone with him for hours and just talk about any and everything that comes to mind.
21. Whats the most romantic thing he's done for you? Nee I dunno, lots of stuff.
22. Sappiest thing you've done together? Haha I dunno.
23. He's sexiest when he wears ______. When he wears my favorite chained armwarmer I guess lol.
24: Cute nicknames for eachother? We gots bunches. ^^
*Will he do this about you* Probably yeah. :D

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