?Name Brittany Lauren
?Nickname Britt
?Age 15
?Gender Female
?Birthday August 22nd
?Sexual Preference Boys, they rock my small world
?Location Fort Walton Beach, Florida
(Maximum of 5 of everything..I don't want to know every movie you've
seen or every band you listen to.)
o1 - Catuerize
o2.- The Used
o3.- Jimmy Buffette
o4.- Ashlee Simpson (gulity pleasure, heh)
o1 - Shooting Stars - Catuerize
o2. - Margitiaville - Jimmy Buffette
o3. Dear Momma - Tupac
o1. The Notebook
o2. Some like it hot
o1. Giraffe
o2. Penquin
o1. Hughe Grant
o2. Julia Roberts
?Video/Board/Card Game:
o1. Guess Who
o2. Pacman
o3. Super Mario Brothers (for super ninetdo) heh
?Movie Preview: I dont think I have one, they bug me. lol
o1. Coming Clean - Jorge Valdez
"Your mom goes to college" - Kip, from Napoleon Dynamite.
I had one from Marilyn Monroe...but it was really long, and I forgot it.
?Body Part:
My eyes.
?Subject in School:
and Myspace.com
?This or That?
?Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
?Britney or Xtina? Britney
?Email or Old School? Email, so much faster.
?Livejournal or Xanga? Livejournal, I hated my xanga
imafall3nstar or
x__i_heart_bert? I cant really say, I dont know them. So I say both they are both gorgeous and I love their community
?Roller Coaster or Kiddie Rides? Roller coaster
?Cat or Duck OR Squirrel? DUCK
?Tell us something funny about yourself: I am double jointed in my thumbs, hips, & arms
?Tell us something random: I am eatting a hamburger
?Put a few lines/lyrics of a song you're listening to right now. I'm watching tv...the coke commercial "Put a lime in the coconut..."
?What makes you a fineb? I think because, I am. lol
?Why should we let you in? You dont have to, but if you wanna i'll be like "OH YUSS SWEET!", but I will promote and all that.
?Oh tell us where you found out about us. Just for reference.
krissii_xo?Do you see the evil kitty laughing? Only on funnyjunk.com, but man that cracked me up. Hold on lemme give you the link...
http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/cat.htm?Try to explain the crazyness of the mods(For the fun of it): Huh?
?Tell me your hobbies: Beach, friends, watchin tv, partyin', takin pictures and sleeping.
?Do you like that we don't have any opinions? Yes, because they are the same ones over and over. I love this application it is like...refreshing
?Make me laugh hysterically with a joke or a picture:
http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/backstreet.htm this cracks me up
Minimum of 3..Maximum of 7
Please remember the 100x100 or 100x75 pixel picture.