Many a things have happened to me... as it's almost been a year. I think I will do a quick summery, as it will be easier on me and the person(s) reading
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My life.enigmaticdrgnSeptember 19 2008, 02:24:58 UTC
Aaah. . . .so thats whats been happening. Welcome to learning the life experiences Sqam. Yeah its like a double edged sword. There's up and downs and also you learn just the importance of money . . .and why your parents always pinched the penny or loonie so tightly :/
Working for Wal-Mart? Gawd their everywhere @.@ Congrats though on graduating. . though the hassle of accomplishing that project must been frustrating. And well Duh!. . your arts rock! anything else would be just wrong :)
I'll tell you whats been going on with me in a message so just sit tight. And tell Kyle I say hi.
Oh yeah. . nothing like doity people attempting Hulk on your front door at 8 in the morning.
Re: My life._fishbones_September 19 2008, 04:00:15 UTC
You're the second person who has pulled that "double edged sword" simile. x3 I have friends who think alike. Tho it's true. And I respect my parents just that much more.
Thank you for the kind words ^///^ I will how to show you some of my new and better art (some of you <3). I have improved lots.
Comments 4
Working for Wal-Mart? Gawd their everywhere @.@ Congrats though on graduating. . though the hassle of accomplishing that project must been frustrating. And well Duh!. . your arts rock! anything else would be just wrong :)
I'll tell you whats been going on with me in a message so just sit tight. And tell Kyle I say hi.
Oh yeah. . nothing like doity people attempting Hulk on your front door at 8 in the morning.
Tho it's true. And I respect my parents just that much more.
Thank you for the kind words ^///^ I will how to show you some of my new and better art (some of you <3). I have improved lots.
(Ky says "Hi" aswell)
I just about died of laughter after watching that XD
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