1. I thought first year of university was going to be like season one of Felicity. I was walking down Broadway after a particularly exhausting Contracts seminar when I realised this. One of the straps of my tote bag was broken, I was hurrying home so I could flick on the lamp switch and start in on my law assignment and my shoes needed to be re-
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Comments 11
i will envy your possession of a car and smile over your not so secret admirer. I might even laugh if it's Phil Thai's brother..
"N" tells me that you're sick, so get well soon.
it's not (thank god) phil's brother. it's some other year 12 philistine. he's not really a not-so-secret-admirer so much as (though i would wish otherwise) an outright creepy semi-stalker. he once spent an entire class gazing at me and telling the other students about my 'pretty face' despite the fact that i was clearly about vomit from sheer venom. he even wrote an ode to 'red-haired alice' for english homework which was so terrible i almost cried from his butchering of everything lyrical. thank god, red-haired alice no longer exists.
I'm much better now. I just hate this vacillitating weather.
Blacker than my hair ever was, though I specifically asked 'pls return me to my natural colour' - admittedly, she only had my roots to go on, and hair at the roots is always darker, but before i washed it and it was all bouncy and curly from the blowdry, i looked like a combination of emo/goth/kwerpie doll. it probably didn't help that i was wearing a polka-dot dress and had a china doll fringe.
I have nothing interesting to say.
Much love,
i always think that every change in default patterns signals something - because we are creatures of habit, and more so, of deep consciousness and our behaviour mere patterns forming on the surface, physical echoes of some greater change.
i love that you go by 'lia'. short, lovely and rolls of the tongue nicely. more particularly, assuming the interchangibility of i/y, i go by aly and our shortened names are mere a rearrangement of the other's. that was possibly a rather narcisstic observation.
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