if you have a bank account, you can get a visa/mastercard debit card from the bank. it acts like a credit card, only it debits from your checking account. many sites take them, but you must have at least $1 in the account or $8+ if you do a trial where shipping is involved.
Def go for the shuffle thing...its easy to get only 3 refs I think...but I have an ipod and now I am working on getting a free one...so if you want to help me out and get started getting a real ipod that would be awesome....heres my link to copy and paste and feel free to contact me with anyquestions...ive been doing these sites for a little while now and no of many other sites where you can get tons of different prizes and they are all legit! Peace
Comments 8
if you have a bank account, you can get a visa/mastercard debit card from the bank. it acts like a credit card, only it debits from your checking account. many sites take them, but you must have at least $1 in the account or $8+ if you do a trial where shipping is involved.
well when i get my first paycheck(in a week)i'll do the debit thing.
lol just started my job on sat.
if you want to help me out:
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