I am sooo freaking tired. All that studying and I don't think I did very well at all. Stupid biology. The only good new about that class is that I got a 95% on my deer mouse thing. I effing know my deer mice
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For everyone participating in None of Your Goddamn Business Day:
When the hell is it? I need to know whether or not it is on the 23rd (which is a Friday) by this Monday the 12th. I have something I am supposed to go to the night of the 23rd and I need to know whether or not I can go. Thank you for your time. :)
I am SUPER excited about this stupid semester ending. I barely even tried this whole time. And man is it ever going to show in my grades. I only have one more big thing to turn in and then I can focus on my finals which I am not that worried about
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This was in an article by the lawyer who won the Roe v. Wade case 33 yrs ago. In case for some reason you don't know, Roe v. Wade is the case that legalized abortion nationwide
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Chuck Norris does not have your normal human-style, male nipples. He has a Dodge Ram hood ornament on each pec, and both rams blow smoke out of their noses each and every time he pumps Christy Brinkley
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