Oh. Em. Gee. *dies loudly and violently*
I'm so tired @_______@ A-Kon...I love you and haet you at the same time. I wish I had drawn something interesting at least. But I got married, lol. Urahara is mai waifu and Balthier is mai husubando. Urahara was my husband for a while, but then I bought the Balthier figure >3>;;;; *strokes the box possessively* ♥♥♥
It's amazing how far $50 goes. And I certainly don't mean that it goes a long way :/ I should just swear off buying stuff at cons altogther unless it screams my name and I can't find it anywhere else, because WHAT THE FUCK. I thought $50 was a lot of money. It's bloody pocket change if you intend to use the dealer room at all. I think I saw a Soul Reaper outfit on sale for $130; I could mess up three times making that outfit and still spend less than that. /beating a dead horse I saw a box set of Outlaw Star at one point though, and nearly committed seppuku right there because it was $45 and I only had $25 by then u___u Richter Belmont committing seppuku. Culture crossovers, lol.
AND SPEAKING OF BELMONT. The unthinkable happened: I actually saw another Castlevania cosplayer there, and it was MARIA, even. WE COULD HAVE HAD AWESOME PICTURES, DAMMIT. But no. She decided to wait until I was at least partly out of costume to show up, and mysteriously disappeared when I was in costume. I WISH I HAD HAD SOMETHING TO THROW AT HER HEAD =__= By Saturday it didn't even matter, though, because my whip vanished when I got off the RvB line :/ I'm surprised nobody saw it walking off, but DASSOKAY. I DOUBT I'M GOING TO USE THIS OUTFIT AGAIN ANYWAY :D
A lot of my stuff walked away over the course of the con. My watch, my whip, my mp3 player, my urge to cosplay...good freaking God. *seethe* Fucking hell. I was trying to stay organized, but fat lot of good that did. I was trying to be excited to cosplay, but I just wasn't, by about the first night. And after looking at my hair when it was completely dry, I came to the sudden realization that I should have just been fucking Usopp instead of trying to be someone classic. A grand total of three people even knew who I was, even though I had to clarify which game for some people. If I had just been Usopp instead of trying to be pretty, my feet wouldn't have been killing me, I would have been noticed, I wouldn't have to do DOODLY-SQUAT to my hair, and I might have actually felt like I should be cosplaying the person I chose instead of feeling pretentious. I just wish that there was something I could do with my head/hair so I actually could cosplay more than one person successfully.
...cons always make me emo, I've noticed. :/ Why do I keep going, again...? Oh yeah, I'm a camera whore. Duh.
*shuffles off to attempt to draw something and sift through dA messages*
EDIT:HALLELUJAH THANK GOD PRAISE THE LORD JESUS THEY FOUND MY MP3 PLAYER ;3; It was in someone else's bag; I was really hoping that was all that happened, because nothing else made sense. I knew it never left the room after Friday night, because I never put it back in my purse. It was all very baffling u3u Also, my watch fell out of my clothes earlier, which is bizarre, because in feverishly searching for the mp3 player, I am fairly sure I tore through my suitcase at least three times and found no watch. WHATEVV.
Anonymous is pleased. ♥ Many thanks to whoever found it and whoever brought it back~ ;3; It was a gift, and I would have felt horrible if I had lost it. not to mention all the music I crammed on that thing