Me: Can you let me see my tuition bill, so I can see how much money I'm going to get back?
Internet: No.
Me: < :3 nyoro~n...
First of all, it was WEDNESDAY. That already meant disaster for me, because Wednesday means 3-D Design, the worst class I have for multiple reasons, and English right after, which I would enjoy if it didn't require me running across campus in ten minutes, carrying whatever bullshit I accumulated during 3-D class. Wednesdays never end, I swear to the hypothetical God...
How did it all start? This morning, I had to print 389489 pictures on a "contact sheet" in Word at the speed of light so I could get back to class in time (didn't happen, btw), and I was about to put the Mac mouse through the computer screen because it was so heavy and unresponsive. PCs at the very least, have superior mice. Why the hell is this place wired with Macs, anyway?
Oh yeah, because I've been raised on PCs, and they HAVE to make things difficult for me. That's why.
After we do our critique session of the pictures we took (mine were horrid), she tells us to take a 20 minute break and come back with a T-Square, a mat knife, and Sobo glue, which meant I had to run across the street and go to the art supply store and buy a fucking T-Square because I forgot to get one that time I was in Manhattan. If she had told us this LAST WEEK, I could have bought it any time before today. (That walk wasn't really so bad; it was just more that I had to do, you see.)
I did learn something today, though: power tools are TERRIFYING to me. Especially that nail gun that he kept waving around like a flag ;___; I do NOT want to have to use all those things, EVER if I can avoid it...but the professor already told us that we're going to do a project where we will, in fact, have to do all that stuff. JOY. This professor knows exactly how to make me hate her.
Like later, when she took one look at my little box I assembled and insisted that we work together on making one. Like I'm, what, either five or incredibly stupid. ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS TELL ME TO SLOW DOWN WHILE CUTTING, I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT. I AM AWARE THAT I TEND TO RUSH. JESUS CHRIST.
And then, because she insisted we make one together and brilliantly moved on to something else without letting me finish, I ended up keeping the knife and screwdriver I borrowed past the time that the woodshop room was open. Meaning that my ID (which I need to get into my dorm building, eat, etc) WAS LOCKED IN THERE UNTIL THE EMPLOYEES FELT A FANCIFUL WIND THAT GUIDED THEM BACK THERE. I could have gutted some kippers right then, but alas. I didn't have time, because English was starting in roughly 5 minutes :D
English was pretty okay; we're watching Akira Sugosawa's Dreams (name?) movie, and it's been pretty awesome so far, actually. My prof is so cute ;w; So bouncy and happy...
But then, before I could go HOME, I had to go all the way back up to the third floor of the fukken building where I had class and get my blasted ID. Mine was the only one left, lol :3 Mind you, I was carrying a toolbox, two sheets of "chipboard", and the bag that my glue and T-Square was in. Harder than it sounds.
...I'm so happy that I'm in my room again. Although, the looming thought of HOW MUCH FUCKING HOMEWORK she gave us kinda dampens the mood. And now I have to throw my Drawing homework on paper and hope he doesn't kill me if it looks shitty. Looks like my LCD homework's going to be a one-day thing, too. TOO BAD, SO SAD.
AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, MY MOM IS MISERABLE BACK HOME WITH ALL THE MONEY ISSUES. She hasn't even started to pay for my loans yet. Maybe I should make a beeline for OU after this year. I don't think I could live with myself here knowing that she's putting herself into the Stone Age just to pay the bills. Goddamnit, I'm crying now.
Wednesdays = the new Mondays for me. Don't mind me, seriously. I'm just ranting, and I didn't want to do it on dA. Yeah. D: Imma draw some hands made of blocks now.