Yesterday was spent running around town getting chores done and me starting to stress out and get really tired because I had slept on the floor/woke up at 5:30
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Brenna is coming today. Jolan is in town. I'm supposed to get together with Eric and the aforementioned people. Currently am packing. Holy shit. I'll be gone in just a couple of days. I MUST NOT FORGET ANYTHING!
I don't know if it's that I am tired of working at Thrifty's, tired of Victoria or just plain tired, but I could really go for something more
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I am going to Prism after work with Alyson, her love interest and Sam. I am rather excited. I get to hang out with Aly and Sam! I love those girls. We're gonna dance and have fun.
I'm in a bit of a better mood this morning, minus having to work all afternoon/night.