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Mar 20, 2005 18:49


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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Here's my weekend people...

FRIDAY--- Hung out at home for a while then walked to Adrienne's house and sleptover there for a 24 hour-relay "meeting". Pretty fun, there were a ton of girls there.

SATURDAY--Went over to Kathleen's house in the morning and we walked to Panera and ate like a million pickles and then came back to my house and hung out until like 4:30 making bracelets and watching this thing on the Hilton Sisters...

Then my dad drove me to BeCcA's casa and we had some fun. We played like every card game every made and washed her puppy Simon who apparently is my future groom...yea...lol....so then we did a bunch of goofy future tellers from like fourth grade..that was pretty fun...so we went to bed and like laid there doing Napolean jokes until like 2 in the morning...lol...

SUNDAY---Alright, so then Becca and I went to Sunday school pretty late (like at ten, lol) then we worked the NaChO StAnD like nobodys business at the Purim Carnival...haha...no Sara, I think we sold wayyy more nachos then you sold sno cones and cotten candy all together!

So now I'm just chillaxing at mi casa until my mom comes and picks me up...

check out it.....I changed my musica...


1:13 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

Friday, March 18, 2005

Alright, well it took awhile, but I did get at least 5 comments...so I'm back...and its public news...

It's the WeEkEnD and my fabulousa MeGan (she loves it when shes in my xanga...so shes going to love this!) is such a sweetie and makes me so happy! Especialy, when my day was just so-so, she made it much better! Oh and so did reading all the nice comments...it would be sUpEr nice if I got that many on a daily basis...hint, hint...comment!

So here's Megan, because se just made me day! ::

RahRahBlonde: Sooo Miss Megan...what are your weekend plans?
cRaZiErider83: well nothing actually is planned out but im going shopping at the mall, going to the movies, going to the park, and going to the barn to visit my horsie friends
cRaZiErider83: lol and how bout you Miss HannaH
RahRahBlonde: well....im going to adrienne's casa tonight for a 24 hour relay team meeting and sleepover...then sunday is glorious sunday school (yay! not!)...and then back to coolio schoolio to see you!
cRaZiErider83: cool, but you have to admit it is gunna be hard to get through your weekend without seeing me!
RahRahBlonde: haha, true, but i am a lil  sick of the whole "are you mocking me? oh so you think im funny, do you?" thing
cRaZiErider83: lol, ok fine i'll stop i think i was just a little hyper this morning
which is really weird bc i'm like never hyper in 1st period, plus mrs. skiver is....blah, and really boring and its always boring, lol

RahRahBlonde: yea, but I think its fun how we just hang out in the morning--I was makin copies when you were watching channel 1--and I had my ipod and I was like dancing around the copy room and mrs skiver just poked her head and like watched me for like a minute
RahRahBlonde: and i was like , "do u need something?"
RahRahBlonde: i know lol i just dance around the school you know
cRaZiErider83: and do cart wheels in the halls and you trip over wires in classrooms and make a fool of yourself but you find a way to laugh at it all and thats what i love about you hannah! you just don't care what ppl say or think about you...you are the total best person i know!!

cRaZiErider83: yeah i think its soo cool that you are with me in that class bc i talk to the other teacher helper ppl and they say they don't have friends in their class so they have to do their jobs and never have fun! but i don't know what i would do without you in my 1st hour class....it would be pointless and boring without the fabulous hannah stark!
RahRahBlonde: AWW MEGGIE!
RahRahBlonde: youre sooo sweet! thanks!
 <--that is me because you have made me day!
cRaZiErider83: well i guess since i made your day, then i did my job....now i must depart and talk to ya later
cRaZiErider83: lylas
RahRahBlonde: bye!! LyLaS!
cRaZiErider83 signed off at 3:53:22 PM.

tHaNk YoU MeGaN!!!


4:43 PM - 6 eprops - 2 comments - email it

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

So...before I start...if this entry doesn't get at least 5 comments then I am going to make my xanga password protected because theres no point in it being public if no one reads it...so comment or this is may last "public" entry.

Anyway, school:

1st--i MiSsEd MeGaN sOoOo MuCh! It is not the same without her!!!

2nd--Mrs. G is so strange, I mean we are really quiet and then she tells us if we aren't  quieter than no furniture?

4th--Yea, social studies, boring.

3rd--My fav period, English. Gosh I really enjoy it becuase Mrs. H is sucha good teacher and it's so easy and I'm so good at it. Snaps for english!

5th--Nothing special, except one of the peopl ethat used to be one of my best friends is in it and I don't think she likes me at all anymore. ::sigh::

6th--Mr. Euler told Paige he doesn't like to look at her "blank face" all the time, so tomorrow, we are sitting in the very back corner. lol

7th--Algebra is alright...yea Tamika verbally abuses me.

A+--Tutored Theresa....well actually she did her worksheet quietly and Ali and I made our plans for student government at southview..Thats right, vote GrOsS/sTaRk for president and vice!

After school Kathleen and I went to Panera and we saw Mal and Adrienne there...talked about 24 Relay...gota really good name but it's a secret!


**remember, 5 comments, or I'm out**

6:25 PM - 14 eprops - 7 comments - email it

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

YoU DiDn'T hEaR iT hErE....BuT.....i'M aN iCoN WhOrE!!!

So HeRe ArE sOmE rAnDoM iCoNs!!!

 they do?

 go Elmo, go Elmo, Go!

 aw I heart curmit...its not easy being green.

Ohh Carrie Bradshaw, where, oh where, did you go?

  Really, it's true. So spread the love!!!


7:53 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

alright...school was fine...no big happenings at all......so I just came home and got online (like I am now!) and I've been downloading nonstop...lol...

Well I supose I'll just edit later after something worthwhile has happened...


5:59 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

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