It's difficult to believe how quickly time is passing now that school has started up again. I've been avoiding looking
I've been kept horribly busy with my studies, which hasn't allowed me very much time for socializing. There isn't any reading to be done tonight, however, and although a single evening certainly can't make up for a week's worth of negligence that's certainly no reason to keep from making an effort to catch up with everyone. I really ought to apologize to Brid. I'm sure Ron and Harry aren't going to be very busy immediately following dinner. It might be nice to have an actual conversation that isn't about course lectures or deaths.
If I'd just told Colin
I should like to talk to Harry about how things are mending between he and Ron. I certainly hope that those two don't think that they're fooling anyone, acting as if things are completely normal. It's quite clear that they aren't.