this isn't high school.
thank goodness for
Everyone keeps saying "it hasn't hit you yet."
My father says "wait a few months, then you'll miss it."
My little brother says "no fair."
My hamster doesn't talk.
What do I say?
I say I feel nothing.
I will miss all of my friends, the ones I hang out with on weekends, the ones I don't, and the ones that I never met. I will miss all the drama, the fights, the apologies. The parties, the raids, the drives to nowhere. The crack bathroom (when it used to have weed in the ceiling). The concerts. Sitting out in soccer games. Sitting on the bench during class. Not going to class. Being in class. Waiting for the bell. Walking through the gates of hell. Seeing everyone that I hate. Seeing everyone that I love. Visiting the teachers that I've learned things from. The late nights on the phone. The inside jokes, the inappropriate gestures, the dictionary. Sharing a locker with a million other people. Passing notes and reading letters. Making fun of everyone, ever. Not caring. All-nighters and severe cases of procrastination. Ball. Prom. Diminishing marginal returns. The schemes, the stories, the songs. Making new friends, seeing old friends. I will miss everything. Everything I hate, everything I love. High school has dominated the past four years of my life, and I will carry it around with me, possibly for the rest of my life.
But it's done and I'm done. I never need to set foot in there again. Some of you I'm going to have in my life for the rest of my life, but the rest of you I don't need to deal with. High school has made my life a living hell and made my life worth living. I will miss you. I might even miss being there, eventually. But right now, I feel nothing. All I can think is that I'm done, it's done, and I never have to be there again ever. I'd like to say the past four years of my life were a waste, but they weren't, because I met some of the best people in my life there. But miss high school? Man, high school is for lovers losers. And now I'm done with it. I will miss and remember you. But I'm done with high school forever.
Thanks for the memories.