In retrospect

May 21, 2006 02:09

So, my freshman year of college is over. I guess I can try to sum it up in a few words...and by a few words I mean I'm putting an lj cut because i don't want to hog your flists.

When I moved in to Denton in August, I had this kind of preconception of what college was going to be like - and it involved a lot of partying. I guess I thought I could change and just let loose and have a good time because that was what college was supposed to be. And I tried that with Christine and her friends and I was miserable. I couldn't do that - I can't just be stupid and let myself go around complete strangers. So my first two weeks of college were awful. I cried and ate very little and went to the gym a lot and thought about where I could transfer to in the spring. I didn't know how I could stay at Maryland for 4 years.

So I got involved. In high school, I was busy 24/7 - I figured if nothing else, I'd be keeping myself occupied. So I went to the business school and I started to meet friends. I got accepted to their emerging leaders retreat and met some really cool and ambitious freshmen and started to find my place there.

And then there was the Trebs. I can't deny that the Trebs were not originally my first pick for an a cappella group - I had really wanted to get into Faux, but I didn't even get a callback. I got sick the week of auditions - auditioned for trebs with a sore throat, threw up the next day, then auditioned for Faux with a stuffy nose the day after that, still got the callback for Trebs but outright rejected from Faux - not exactly a confidence booster. But then that Sunday night when the Trebs showed up at my door and completely surprised me (in my pjs and glasses and retainers) I figured I had ended up in a good place. And that has proven to be true - those girls are amazing and I am so glad I have gotten to know them. They are all so talented and so much fun and I just can't wait to be a treb for the next 3 years :)

And then I found D4 - of course they had been there all along but before I got serenaded by the Trebs I guess I had been kind of invisible; I really only hung out with Christine and her friends and hadn't gotten to know the floor. But thank goodness I found them because they are some of the most amazing and wonderful friends I've ever had. They are so intelligent and cultured and artistic and goofy and everything and I miss being next door to them sooooo much. Over the course of the year, I got so close to all of them (and of course the honorary members) and I miss them so much now...I can't wait to make random trips to MD and NY!!! Plans need to be made ASAP because I am going crazy missing D4...

So after I settled big things happened...I applied for Maryland Images and got in my first semester, gave tours all 2nd semester with the amazing Kate Kennedy, and then got picked to be a coordinator for next year which is SO exciting...I'll be working with Undergraduate Admissions running open houses and planning special programs, and it's for alllll next year - next semester I'm working with Jason and Derek who are seriously awesome, and Erin who seems really cool too...I can't wait! SUSA picked up too second semester - I helped to run the emerging leaders retreat and got so much closer to the other business school freshmen...and of course I dated Joel, which was good while it lasted and a great first college dating experience. Next year I'm going to be VP of Marketing for the Smith Start club, which is an introductory club for freshmen, as well as helping out at the freshman fellows orientation in August. I also got picked to be a section leader for HONR100 for next semester, which is going to be really cool, and I'm working with Victor who seems like such an awesome guy.

But other than all those things, freshman year was just all around an awesome fun time - having dinner at 6 basically every day but still having to check with everyone, the lost parties, learning to knit, all the trebs/generics parties, going to the gym and actually really enjoying it, getting stuck in the fe when the women's basketball team won the national championship (which is very funny now, but wasn't so much at the time), going to the duke game and actually getting really pumped for sports (go me!), all the concerts (coldplay, ben folds, ben kweller, mae...yay for me and aarushi being the best concert goers ever), complaining about Seong Hun Yun, the "ceo's and corporate hoes" party and making out with earl hahaha, the images party (many more to come), getting a pretty kickass GPA first semester (waiting on 2nd semester but fingers are crossed), going to NYC with the trebs, all the Trebs shows (midsemesters and SPAMs), going dancing (okay we only went like twice but that will be improved next semester), having the most AWESOME roommate for next year (KELLY BROWN!), Maryland Day and the giant strawberry shortcake, giving tours and adopt-a-students and getting some sweet business cards, Valentine's Day in DC with Joel and Gentry and Chelsy, being addicted to Cascada's "everytime we touch" and having dance parties on D4, video games with earl basically all the time, 24 parties, the terms "bank money" and "for serious," and of course all the candace quotes from trebs parties - "whateva, i mean i guess i don't care if a kayak falls on you" and "is plicky even a word? i don't think it is" and "i do not condone alcoholism, but i do condone happy kirsten" and even "yeah i'm pretty sure i learned about that in comm," getting a 100 on my comm250 final after freaking out about it (okay I got a 96 and a 4 pt curve, but still), st. patty's day and mongolian bbq and my "everyone loves an irish girl" tshirt that reem and grace and kelly and I all have and kelly is the only one who has it that is actually irish, my ipod deleting itself (ok, not cool, but it happened so many times i'd say it's mentionable), MATT and MATTY aka my favorite gay boys, being obsessed with HUMMUS, and I guess overall just giggling and being me and loving life.

That was ridic long and I know I missed sooo much.

So on to post-college life - I moved out on Thursday, came home, went to robert and then to gypsy auditions which were a bust and I got a dancer so I'm not doing the show, basically I'd rather have the free time than dance in the background. I'm joining a gym this summer and getting golf lessons and working at camp and definitely making lots of trips to MD and NY (because most of my school friends either live in MD or on Long Island, and Jesse lives in Manhatten). This is officially my last summer to be a kid because I'll be getting an internship next summer, so I might as well live it to the fullest and go to the shore and to see friends and party and spend quality time with quality people. I think that's a good plan.

I'll try to update this more now that I'm you know, people can keep tabs on me ;-)
Hey, life is awesome.
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