Why does my typist make me do these things? I JUST did one of these! *sighs*
A is for age: When I died, I was somewhere around 38. Now I'm alive again, and somewhere around 24.
B is for booze of choice: I'm not much of a drinker, really.
C is for career: Wicked Witch?
D is for your dad's name: Frex
E is for essential items to bring to a party: ...I don't really get invited to parties.
F is for favourite song at the moment: *grins* I still rather like "All I Ask of You"
G is for favourite game: I don't... play games? Unless you count sex with Mark as a game?
H is for home town: *shrugs* I was born in Wend Hardings.
I is for instruments you play: I don't, really. I'm a decent singer, though.
J is for jam or jelly you like: What kind of question is this?
K is for kids: I have one son and... *blushes slightly and pats belly*
L is for living arrangements: Kiamo Ko. With Mark, and Yero and April, and Nessa.
M is for mom's name: Melena
N is for name of your crush: Er... a bit more than a crush.
O is for overnight hospital stays: This is where the answer gets a bit complicated. So I'll just move on to the next one.
P is for phobias: ...Typists. *shudders* (Yes. I am keeping Crowley's answer) and water.
Q is for quotes you like: There are several I've come across recently.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: ...I don't want to answer this.
S is for sexual preference: My husband.
T is for time you wake up: I used to wake up before the sun was even up. But lately I've been sleeping in a lot. I rather miss sunrises.
U is for underwear: ...That would be none of your business, thank you.
V is for vegetables you love: I've always liked vegetables. All kinds.
W is for weekend plans: Sexing Mark up? Er... I don't know.
X is for x-rays you've had: ...none.
Y is for yummy food you make: I can cook enough to survive. Mark's the real chef, not me.
Z is for zodiac sign: ... I don't even know when my birthday is