-Name: Samantha
-Age and birthday: 18, october 30
-Location: toronto
-3 pictures of yourself (contrast beyond recognition is not an option and also no nudity...I don't want to see your goods)
-1 picture in some way that defines you:
me dancing at a club... i usually do something funny in a night
-How would we the community benefit in having you: i am brutally honest and therefore wouldnt let just anyone in
-Tell us why you feel like you should be accepted: because i like to vote on people and will try to update as much as i can, plus im honest and amusing...
-Those colors you hold so dear: green and white
-Your best feature: eyes?
-Do you promise to vote at least once a week: yes
-Your favorite bands (you must list 5 or more: the beatles, the band, jay-z, pink floyd, ac/dc
-Your favortie movies: dazed and confused, empire records, cant buy me love, Legend
-Hobbies: volleyball, working out, partying with friends, reading, shopping
-Your favorite quote/word: 'you foo' 'dont sass me'
-Dreams: to be successful...and very happy. but i dont know a career yet.
-How did you hear about _h_o_t_a_s_s_
-1 other person you told about _h_o_t_a_s_s_(other word you have to and have to tell us who)