//Name// sammy b
//Age// 14
//Location// michigan
//5 things you like to do//dance, play guitar, snowboarding, write, color with crayons
//Status//single <3
//Top 3 Movies// -road to madness, helter skelter, water boy
//What do you label yourself?//..i label myself an individual. --sam
//Top 5 favorite bands//the early november, flaming lips, dashboard confessional, the postal service, rocket summer
//Tell us a joke//..(dumb joke--) there was a asian, a blond, and a german sitting in a hot tub, they were talking and they heard a beeping noise, the asian says "hang on a second im getting a page"--she puts her wrist up to her ear "mhmm, okay", she says "sorry, i have a chip located in my wrist, so they were talking agian and then they heard another beep " then the german goes "oh please excuse me my beepers going off" she puts her palm up to her ear "mhmm alright", she says "sorry, i hve a chip in my palm" by now the blond was feeling she said "well..excuse me" she gets out of the hot tub and goes to the bathroom. she comes back and realizes she has toilette paper in her bum, she says "ooh..excuse me, i must be getting a fax"
that joke was lame, i am so sorry.
//What was the 1st band you listened to?// probably yellowcard
//Why do you listen to this type of music?//because it makes me think of my life, i listen to the lyrics.
//Describe yourself in one word// unique.
//Have you ever had your heart broken?// recently
//Favourite song(s)// many, um..-acoustic: everynights another story-the early novemeber, acoustic-Your own disaster-taking back sunday, so many by dashboard, do you realize-the flaming lips..
//Favourite lyric(s) [choose up to 3]// "theres just no one who gets me like you do", "but i dont see you by the wheel, i'll keep your hands to myself, gotta keep my foot on the gas, yuu'll wear this accident well"
//What can you bring to this community?
I mean, why should we choose YOU?//..because ill be active, ill vote and promote and, because im wearing green socks?
//labels// i never use them, i hate them..i think so low of people who take time to label other people, expecially when they dont even know them. poser really bugs me.
//abortion// depends, if the person was raped then its differnt, but if it was a teenager who didnt require protection, then i dont think abortion is the right way to go.
//war//..i hate war, but the soldiers are brave.
//homosexual marriages//..i dont mind at all, i think if someone is in love no matter what they should go for all for it
//+3 or more pics of you//
my computer hard-drive was just wiped out so, these are older pictures--