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fufufu.. i didn't really have a reason to update, i just felt like sharing a few pictures XD [below!]
scai-kun is stroking my hair with a ruler.... uhh? o.O
& sellotape, & a battery & thread... x____x
freak =P
SQUUEEEE. i've been reading fullmetal alchemist scanlations to get me caught up on my manga.. & since i got deathnote i've been reading the scanlations of that. it's... odd >D
oh, & candidate for goddess which i didn't get round to reading till now.
i wish my scanner was set up >_>
i'm too lazy to get it working.. feh.
i want my fma vcds, like, now. =(
first of all, my fma collection >D
we realised next to scai-kun ed is[NOT] a shrimp.
he's TALL!! =O
MWAHAHA, the ultimate crack... ^____^