dang it, sorry I missed b&n night. I'm not going to lie, my wedding was the absolute most fun I have ever had EVER, but I think that is because I let everyone know it was going to be a DANCE PAR-TAY and no one wanted to disappoint me and see me have a melt down. That being said, was it worth giving up the cash money that could have been a down payment for a house? I dunno. I think I was a pretty bridezilla-free-bride, and I felt laid back about all our choices, but I had melt downs about the MARRIAGE that manifested themselves into freaking about the WEDDING. Does that make sense? I'm still pretty sure I would have been just as happy if not happier if we had eloped. I know for a fact, though, that Mike and my family are way happier that we didn't. Ramble ramble.
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