A promotion! Backed up by the ambassador from Sweden no less! Isn't that grand? This is certainly a surprise. Bellatrix Lestrange may have some use besides being a shameless hussy after all.
I just wonder why she needs all that information on Aurors...
Mister Longbottom, kindly inform Mr. Regalia, the ambasador from the Ministry of Magic in Sweden, that he has a meeting with the Unspeakables at 2:00 this afternoon. If he misses this meeting for any reason-- should he get lost, should be fall into a manhole, should he be attacked by rabid wolves in downtown London in broad daylight-- Mrs. Amelia Bones of the Department of Enforcement will want a detailed report of no less than 20 pages to explain your ineptitude. A gelleon will be deducted from your pay for every misspelling. This is not a warning.
Mister Moody, the Minister of Magic would like to hear your explanation for why you have not been reporting directly to him. He also wants to know why you have been meeting with one Albus Dumbledore behind his back. He would like to see you in ten minutes.
Mister Shaklebolt, your paperwork is incredibly late. The goblins in the fourth floor have received a package of what I believe to be torches and pitchforks this morning and they will be after your skin if you put it aside any longer. I suggest you come to me ASAP so we may speed through your progress reports. Kindly bring the records on the current movements and works-in-progress of the Aurors' Office as well. I will also need the locations and identities of key Ministry Aurors. DO NOT DILLY-DALLY, MISTER SHAKLEBOLT. The goblins have thick iron boots. You can hear them marching down right now.