i like your site and i saw wut you wrote in the bisexual interest site thingy... i understand what you mean like sometimes i just like HATE being bi cuz like 1 its soo confussing you do something with a girl and then with a guy and want a girl again and think maybe ima les. and then it happens vice versa and u think well maybe im just straight like its soo annoying but at least you've had a acual relationship like dating relationship with a girl like i just like know i like them so i guess i can kinda say im bi curious since i havent done much.. with a girl. but yea im just rambling on and on bout my problems w/o even knowing you... im sorry its just good to get things off my chest to SOME1. k umm bye...
hey, I've seen you around a lot of Hanson communities when I was registered under another name. Now I have a new journal, and was wondering if you would add me as a friend. Check out my bio and hit me back!
hey, I just made a new journal because too many people I know read this one and I can't really write about everything, so if you want to, add this sn. It will probably be more detailed lol.
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