i felt like updating.
so my grades were crap this report card.
Sign language- A
Marine bio-C
English- A
Algebra 2-D
the only ones i want to raise are marine bio and history. because the reason im not getting A's is because i've grown accustomed to be lazy. algebra 2, i've lost all hope in. i'm thinking of repeating it next year, or over the summer. because i dont want a D. and i've decided i'm not taking trigonometry next year. it's not worth it to me. i have no desire whatsoever of persuing a career that requires knowledge of mathematics. there's no way in hell.
it's so wierd. i don't laugh as much anymore, and i'm alot meaner than i used to be. i dont like it. i hardly even laugh with my whale :(. it's so confusing. life is such a trip sometimes, i'll tell you.
i wish i got along better with my family so my house could be more of a refuge, than a battlefield.
hopefully the fact that tomorrow is friday will lift this invisible weight off my chest. cross your fingers.