Name: Holly
Age: 16
Location: Alabama where i am slowly rotting away...
What bands/artists do you like?: neurotic fish, echo image, icon of coil, cosmicity, covenant, vnv nation, ayria, wolfsheim, de/vision, pride and fall, mesh, syrian, glis, massiv in mensch.
Tell us something interesting about you: I tell fortunes and can read minds on random occasions but not at will yet.
Make us laugh: (this is quote) You think you're a man? a man is a king, a king is a ruler, a ruler is 12 inches.Still think your a man?
Why do you think you are "HAWT!!!!"?: that is what people tell me.
Where did you find us?: Searching through rating communities
If you had to add a question to this survey, what would it be? What is your opinion on religion?
What are your opinions on:
HOMOSEXUALITY-I see nothing wrong with it I have gay friends.
ANIMAL RIGHTS-People who abuse animals should be shot.