
Apr 08, 2006 19:29

Poll General Journal Poll

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Comments 39

Excellent Icons and banners meowtwinkitty April 8 2006, 18:25:08 UTC
What I want to say? Yes, is a wonderful job art, congratulations about the icons, I will use one asap, with comments and credits count on them.


Re: Excellent Icons and banners _hushed_art April 8 2006, 20:23:29 UTC
Thank you very much! ♥ =)


atanone April 8 2006, 20:02:00 UTC
ten dotazníček jsem nevyplňovala..protože se mi líbí,co děláš a mám vždy radost,když Tvoje věcičky vidím..a přestože si vždycky pár "ukradnu"ráda se dívám na všechny a líbí se mi Tvoje vidění světa:Dje mi úplně jedno,jestli je jich 100,50,nebo 5,jestli jsou to ikonky,nebo layouty,nebo něco jiného-takže by se mi na to dost těžko odpovídalo..Já Ti místo toho přeju,aby tě to pořád bavilo a abys nepřestala mít ty skvělé nápady.Howgh a♥


_hushed_art April 8 2006, 20:08:44 UTC
No ty jsi učiněné zlatíčko :D Opravdu a upřímě díky moc, tvoje podpora je opravdu něco. Já jsem ráda že jsou na světě lidé kteří dokáží podpořit v čemkoliv. Moc jich není ale ty jsi jedna z nich ;) Díky ♥!


atanone April 8 2006, 20:22:32 UTC
:D no tak teď zase děkuju já :D to je dobře,že to funguje obousměrně :D♥


aisline April 8 2006, 20:30:53 UTC
No to tedy :D Já jsem taky ráda ;)


harmonatrix April 8 2006, 20:56:57 UTC
Although I chose icons, journal sets and graphics are nice too.


_hushed_art April 8 2006, 21:00:09 UTC
Thanks for taking your time to do this =)


chiffonwings April 8 2006, 22:36:38 UTC
I chose icons, but I also enjoy the layouts and journal sets. :) I said "yes" to the "freebies", but what exactly do you mean by that?

Your new layout is pretty, but it can be hard to see the icons because sometimes you have to scroll back and forth to see the icons in each row, so I haven't taken the time to save any from your recent sets.


_hushed_art April 9 2006, 11:01:58 UTC
I am chaging the layout this weekend, so the problem should be solved ;)
Freebies are for example blinkies modified for individual users, and icons made especially for for users =)


furtivefantasy April 9 2006, 03:24:27 UTC
It was so hard to choose. I chose tutorials, but I'd love to see all of the others, too!

And in my vote, I accidentally said Smallville, but I meant to say Harry Potter. *That's what I get for having too many windows/tabs open at the same time.* But I'm sure that anything you'll make, I'll love ♥!


_hushed_art April 9 2006, 10:31:42 UTC
Lol don't worry about it! I think quite a few people would like to see HP, so I think that will come up next ;)


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